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  1. Hi everyone. I’m working on a new open wireless platform to control trains, layout accessories (signals, level crossing), and any movable vehicles on a layout. I call it WCC (wireless command control). Every decoder communicates with other decoders over the air that’s why you need just plug DC power into your layout. No command stations and boosters are required - just install a decoder inside a train or connect a decoder to a signal, open a browser on your laptop or mobile device and you can already control your layout. DCC is still can be used in case you already have a layout with DCC. I would like to get your feedback, and ideas to know what features should be included at the beginning and what later. The protocol will be fully open with code examples so users who like to code can develop their own decoders and controllers. WCC decoders will be available from December 2023 - January 2024, documentation about the protocol with code examples on Arduino and how to develop your own decoder will be available in December as well. Below you can find more details about how it works, a schematic, and a photo of a decoder prototype - production candidate (currently the size is 11 x 39mm, after we release the main version, we'll add special versions for Kato). Also, you can get more info at https://loco.engineering Main features - Two-way wireless communication between all decoders - trains, cars, and layout elements "talk" with each other - Decoder functions, CV, settings, and logic can be changed directly from a web browser - No boosters, additional wiring, command stations, and CV programming required - Can run on DC, AC tracks, and a battery - Detect train location and add complex interactions with NFC tags (for scale N NFC tags (5 mm x 5 mm) should be placed on a train, and readers (small circuits) should be placed under rails) - No vendor lock-in anymore - WCC is an open protocol with clean documentation, code, and hardware examples for Arduino - Loco.Engineering decoders can be used with classic DCC systems, so you can buy one decoder and try it on your current layout - OEM and the white-label app even for small model train manufacturers - The easiest and probably cheapest way to convert your DC layout to the interactive layout - Over-the-air sound and firmware updates - you shouldn’t remove the train case to update sounds and firmware - Everyone is able to create custom controls and throttles - Low-cost - sound decoders cost €50 or $55. You don't need any additional tools to control decoders or to program them. - Designed, developed, and produced in our workshop. Zero outsourcing and full control of development help us to deliver updates and new features very often. - Updates and new features every week, fast friendly support Feel free to leave feedback here or contact at hey@loco.engineering Project's website: https://loco.engineering
  2. Dear all, I recently got some Mafen N-scale signals for my layout ( https://shop.model-fab.com/en/sncf/725-04-8436579380199.html ). I find them really nice and detailed. I am wondering however if there are specific requirements in terms of current. It is written on the box 21V max but there is no mention of any amperage. I am planning on building a little circuit with 6-pin switches to activate these signals and I cannot find any specifications that would allow me to chose my power supply. I was able to find that the LEDs of these signals (which seem to be SMD 0603) have a low amperage requirement but the Mafen signals come with electrical resistances so I am guessing higher amperage may be ok... Have you ever used these signals on your layout ? Would you have any recommendation for wiring them ? Thank you !
  3. I've got three separate Kato 22-018 controllers (running Kato HO & N plus Tillig TT) but I need more space between them so I wondered if Kato sells an extension lead for the power input wire originating from the power pack or transformer? Or is it a question of going to an electrical store and getting a generic equivalent? Or is this unwise electrically? In addition does Kato HO & N manufacture an uncoupling track which would be suitable for the common European Roco hoop type couplers? All I have managed to find so far in the catalogue is a magnetic type uncoupler track. Could anyone suggest an alternative?
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