I have a question to which I could not find a definitive answer to about KATO 20-652 Automatic Crossing Gate (the Japanese version, not the American version 20-652-1). http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10170394
What kind of power supply is supplied with this item in European, Asian, and American markets? Are they compatible/interchangeable with the KATO Powerpack power supplies? I have found out through experience that KATO provides (for the Powerpacks) two different 110V power supplies for the US and Japan, and NOCH provides a 230V power supply (they actually supplied two different ones, in 2016 they supplied the incorrect power supply with Powerpacks). Note that I am not talking about the different types of plugs; I do not care about those.
For future moving reasons, I would like to own a 110V/230V power supply, or one of each.