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Found 4 results

  1. A simulator for an e5 shinkansen train is on display for visitor use at the California State Railroad Museum. It was provided by JR East, as part of a special exhibition on hsr. https://www.instagram.com/p/-SlpBDxoYc/ http://www.csrmf.org/component/content/article/55-events-exhibits-train-rides/477-fast-tracks-the-world-of-high-speed-rail
  2. Interesting video showing a gripman at work. Looks like it requires quite a bit of finesse. More, view from car and at powerhouse.
  3. Been awhile since this proposed trainset has last been in the news. With the PM's U.S. visit, it looks like this model will be officially offered for the California project. Apparently tender bids by the various manufacturers will occur sometime this year. Kyodo News report via the Japan Times (yecch...): http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/04/25/business/japanese-consortium-to-propose-kawasaki-heavy-bullet-trains-for-high-speed-line-in-california/ ...efSET, something like a "super" E7 set?
  4. bikkuri bahn

    california dreamin'

    Headline from a Fox news site: This same candidate for the CA governorship is also staging a "smash the crazy train" event in Burbank where people will smash a model rr HSR trainset and get a $25 voucher for gas. What can you say, it's the US of A!! We're No. 1!! *well, I guess it's an improvement on the old chestnut, "trains are 19th century technology"...
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