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Found 2 results

  1. Is it possible to replace the Kato Unitrack code 80 rail with code 55? Here's the context: A key scenic feature on the layout I'm building is a city street in Tokyo (Waseda-Dori Ave.) crossed by the railroad (JR East and Seibu-Shinjuku). The four JR East tracks cross the street via a deck girder bridge. Three are on straight track, the fourth is curving around the end of the island station, also crossing the street. Kato has both the straight and curved deck girder bridges that appear to have the correct prototype look. That's ideal. And the curved Kato deck girder bridge may be the correct radius for my needs. Another bonus. The complication: I plan to use Atlas Code 55 flex track for the rest of layout. I like the look better. My thought is to replace the code 80 rail in the Kato Unitrack bridges with code 55 rail that I have on hand. Has anyone tried this? Any feedback on the process or the results? Thanks
  2. I have for my future layout several KATO bridge spans, some truss type for the main spans and some non-truss for the approaches. I have each type in both "red" and "green", except the shades of red for the truss and non-truss aren't even close to similar, and the same goes for the green spans. So I would like to paint the bridges so each bridge, end to end, is one color. I've already determined that the bridge spans are molded in color, so I won't be painting over existing paint. What I need to know, if anyone can help, are: What type of plastic does KATO use for their bridges? Based on the answer to 1 above, what would be good types of paint to use? I do have an airbrush, so either an airbrush-compatible paint or an aerosol type would be acceptable. The bridges won't be handled once they're installed in the layout, so resistance to flaking from handling isn't really an issue here. I just want my two full bridge spans to look less patchworked, if you know what I mean. Thanks.
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