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Hantu's Workshop


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Bandung used to have the largest collection of mallets on its era here, the railway is also very curvy and has a very beautiful scenery.


According to internationalsteam.co.uk some of those tiny mallets were still in use. However, I haven't seen its photo from my friend which is addicted to narrow gauge railway. He often shows his photo on our railfanning FB group. I have asked on another group also, but still got no response.


Some days ago I was also got interrested to BB mallets and tried to google if there is any available in N. But that minitrix one kills it.

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Nice! Is the signal all scratch built?


Thanks! Anything but the pole, it's a Tomix steel type catenary pole :)


Too bad the newer steel type catenary is full casted.. The old one used to be a kit with separate pole, wire hanger for both 1 line (2 types) and 2 lines, feeder, and return wire hanger..

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finally got a chance to upload..


as promised.






I just want to say that I love this thread.  The image above is prototypically Indonesian, if ever I saw !

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You can always tell the difference between Northern and Southern Asian railways.  Southern railways have people on the roofs of trains and just as much litter on the ground as people on platforms.  Northern railways have neither.


Hi Katoftw,


I think for Indonesian Railway, having people on the roof was old school thing.. In the past, indeed so many people doing double decker job in the train. :) but now, as we can see on the news, our government has got the better regulations for transportation making this more safety for the railway users..


Isn't that true Om Hantu? :)

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I just want to say that I love this thread. The image above is prototypically Indonesian, if ever I saw !


Thank you :)


Btw what do you mean about "prototypically Indonesian?"


Hi Katoftw,


I think for Indonesian Railway, having people on the roof was old school thing.. In the past, indeed so many people doing double decker job in the train. :) but now, as we can see on the news, our government has got the better regulations for transportation making this more safety for the railway users..


Isn't that true Om Hantu? :)

And our railway introduced platform doors long before yamanote line to block the roof riders. (platform walls actually, lol. :grin) they also used spikes on the roof, but later detached. Edited by HantuBlauLOL
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Have the government addressed the rubbish laden streets also?  Do they supply bins and has the populous changed their rubbish discard methods?

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Laden streets?


Sure they're changing slowly. Because changing the habit of a population needs a long time.


However this is last year's photo of Depok Baru station, looks much cleaner now.



Compared to the more than 5 years old photo I posted in the first post.

Edited by HantuBlauLOL
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Yup.. :) Things are getting better and hopefully all area or stations will have the same condition or even better... but yes obviously things here are changing better for sure. That's why the layout of Depok Baru by Om Hantu will be much awaited.. :)


Btw Om Hantu, do you think how many Indonesian modellers are working in N scale Indonesian layouts? with Indonesian train sets of course.. :)

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Ah, I see.. Because we love to 3R. Reduce, reuse, and recycle :grin



Anyway I got a very interesting video today, a cab view from Manggarai to Depok. Depok Baru lies just before Depok on this video.



This project is officially postponed for a while, because my final exam is coming in a week.

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I got a question..


How to make the trains run quieter on a styrofoam base? Mine is very noisy..


I used a plywood some years ago and somehow it's noisier.

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Ah, I see.. Because we love to 3R. Reduce, reuse, and recycle :grin



Anyway I got a very interesting video today, a cab view from Manggarai to Depok. Depok Baru lies just before Depok on this video.



This project is officially postponed for a while, because my final exam is coming in a week.


Thanks for sharing om Hantu..


I have watched this driver view video couple of days ago.. It's really nice to watch. I thought the people who always had conversation in the car were the Railway Employees with one Japanese person who might be working as train expert supervisor to make sure that the Japanese EMU is running well in Jabotabek.. and one local employee was so talkative.. LoL

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He was a Railfan afaik.. Btw he also has a large collection of Japanese emus in Indonesia in N gauge.


His website is www.2427junction.com

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Wow.. That's great!!. I have checked his website and see so many wonderful pictures... nice job on the paint and decalling.. Even there are small figures on the roof.. just like a real one. LoL

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So the exam is over, but the announcement is still a month to go.


I decided to drop the Depok diorama project because running trains in a loop over and over again gets me bored real soon. I think fun is better than realistic.


I'm thinking about a folded dogbone rural layout with coal mine up on the mountain and a port at the bottom. A small station with 2 tracks for yard and another 2 tracks for locomotive depot will also be there.


The scenery itself will be based on west Sumatera area.

Edited by HantuBlauLOL
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I've been interested in DIY CL lighting from long time ago, also I've dono some research, here it is.


1. Tomix CL controller sent 21KHz DC PWM signal to the rail if the CL function is turned on.


2. I have an idea about the DIY circuit. It's a simple 555 circuit. We can change the cap and resistors to change the frequency. Check this web http://houseofjeff.com/555-timer-oscillator-frequency-calculator/

Type 21000 in the frequency box to know what kind of resistors and cap needed to achieve 21KHz output frequency. Note: You NEED to use a PNP Darlington to avoid burning the 555 in a second. (base pin to output, collector pin to 12V input, and emitter pin to the controller. I'll explain this in the next point.)


3. We need to connect the output from that circuit just before the directional switch from our standard controller (the positive side) with a OR gate (google it, just need 2 diodes if you don't know), and the ground to wherever before the directional switch, to the controller's ground wire also. I'll draw the circuit after I get my PC back.


However, I still don't know about some things:


1. How to make the light board CL friendly? I saw there is nothing special lies on the Tomix CL light board, just resistor and led. Or bulb, diode, and cap.


2. Will a standard wave output from 555 circuit I wrote above is usable for CL?

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So i just got some needed parts for the controller project. Still have no time to do it anyway. My PC is also still broken.


I decided to add one more member for my Indonesian locomotive rooster, a CC200 class, a GE shovelnose with Alco engine. This is its condition after one day of working. Still need to finish it though.




I also repainted the red of my BB204 and add some side radiator detail. I also will replace the logo.



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So I assembled my powerpack today. No CL circuit yet, just a 800Hz 555 based PWM controller. Guess what? Fail. Playing the pot won't change the train speed.


Anyone knows why? I'm using the mainstream astable multivibrator circuit with the R2 changed to a 100K pot. R1 is 17K and C1 is 0.01u.




On the other side of my workbench, I made a EMD G18 locomotive. I think I become a collector now, lol.



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