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I see you are an urban transit explorer too. Nice photos.  Where are you planning to go next?


Was looking at this year to go Wakayama and Sapporo, but now I want to add Aizu-Wakamatsu, LOL. But due to the recession I can't afford to go really any where at the time.

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I've picked a look and I thing you've made some mistakes, or maybe I'm making some.


In the private section you put three train as being part of the Keikyu Electric Railway or I'm pretty sure (I'm lokking since a week on internet about their train) that the Keikyu livery is only red with white stripes.


For exemple the first "Keikyu" train is wearing the unmistakable symbol of Tokyo Governement, and then of the Toei, the Ginko Biloba leaf.

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I'm not planning on reworking the lo-res images, I'm only going to be relocating them over to the new server so I can better use some of the .xml gallery files. Originally I was going to shut it all down, but then kept wavering on what I want to do with the trainweb site.


I had so many bloody photos when I get back from Japan, that I I rush though the workflow. As you can tell somehow the Kyushu photos got run through the unsharp mast twice, and by the time I noticed, I was already fifty hours in to a 2000 image workflow and just did not want to both reworking them.


Same goes for the watermarking. I bunched them by location, so even things that were not Keio got lettered that way simply because I wasn't taking the time to really pay attention to that for the website. The website is not something that was a priority. The large res images for the Times was the priority, followed by the lo-res blog images, then lastly the J-train website.


The train site is used for testing new templates and scripts before I put them live on the Coast Guard website I use to maintain until I left the department at the end of last year. Since I no longer really maintain the division websites I no longer really need an unrelated test bed, so the train stuff is just therefor the sake of being there at the moment. I may occasion test a few things for my business suite on it, but I usually use a dummy page on my server for this now. (I was not allowed to use DHS server space to test templates)


I'm only moving the J-trains stuff over there for nothing more than the benefit to the guys here. If it was not for JNS forums, the site would be completely rescinded.  The plan is to completely shut down the train web site by the end of the year.

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Mudkip Orange

Wow, I had no idea any of the Tokyo subway lines ran on third rail; I thought it was all overhead.


Learn something new every day.

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Martijn Meerts

Mine's at http://www.jr-chiisai.net, although it's very outdated.


I've been working on a new page for quite a while, which should go online in not too long. It won't be completely finished when it goes online, but at least I'll be able to more easily update it than the current one ;)

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Good idea.  Mine's in my signature, but I'll plug it anyway: Sumida Crossing.  The model trains themselves can be found on my roster page.


The rest is a mix of random notes (mostly on JR East around Tokyo) and plans/history of my layout construction.

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Martijn Meerts

Just put the new version of my page online. There's less content than the old version for now, but it's much easier to add content this time around ;)


URL is still http://www.jr-chiisai.net ;)


Feel free to drop me a line if you want your site to be added to the links section btw.

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I just finished post-production workflow of the 800 images from Osaka-Wakayama last night, and plan to start work on updating my site in the coming weeks. I need to get them done before going to Sapporo and Aizuwakayama.

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Martijn Meerts

Necrobump! :D



I just put up a new version of my site. Not much content yet, and not everything works, but I wanted to switch over to Wordpress because the old CMS was a bit over the top and was getting a pain in the backside to update... The idea is to post a lot more often now, and slowly add all my rolling stock and info about the layout in progress and whatnot.


Not sure if people are even interested in it, but whatever ;)


Link is still www.jr-chiisai.net ..

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I don't think "localhost/wp_jr-chiisai/contact/" will direct me to the contact form. :D

But looking good! Good idea to make a clean fresh start. I intend to do some wordpress thingy someday too but I just keep delaying it and using wordpress.com is a bit annoying.

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Martijn Meerts

Erm.. I guess there's still a couple of hardcoded links in there linking to my local test version ;)

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