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SONIC883s Modules


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* Adding white to the piere for waethering

* Adding blue (and some white) to be bridge for weathering. I tryed some other colors but this looks more good

* Greening behind the bridge is finished




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Thank you.


What do you think about the color I have added to the bridge?

I am not sure. But the Games Workshop Color can be removed spiritus

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What do you think about the color I have added to the bridge?

I am not sure. But the Games Workshop Color can be removed spiritus


Maybe it's just the photo, but it looks like you added some blue to the gray, but that it came out very blotchy.  Does it look like that in person, and was that the look you were trying for (old paint peeling off, perhaps)?


I don't really like the look.  Plain old gray is boring, and I can see wanting to do something to improve it, but I don't think this was it.

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It isn't just the photo. I took it at room light without flash. I will take a photo at daylight before I wash the color of.

But I haven't a meaning about it.

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A small update:


I planted some fir tree (Nikko fir trees). With that trees will the module show higher and/or colder regions down to kyushu-region.


Some leaf trees will be add soon


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Kia - It looks great, I can't wait to see how you apply the water. (Please show a "how to" when you do it, I had trouble when I did mine.)

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I agree it looks great, in many ways its a simple scene and that makes it very effective and appealing



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That's really coming along nicely. You have a good eye for the right kind of detail to make a scene look realistic.

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Thank you all for your comments.


I try to make it looks like real, but for my eyes I can do some things better. One is adding mire details to the fir trees. But I had try it and it doesn't look good (using 'woody' gras with spray glue).

Next are trees of Seemoos -> http://www.architekturbedarf.de/Shop/Modellbau1/Zubehoer/Baum1/Seemoos/seemoos.html


After that I will add woodland turf on the flat areas at the start and the end of the modules. On the small hills i will add turf separatly to receive a rocky look.


Here are two photos. One overall and one detail





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Here the actual status of my modules:



I have stop working on it because only the grass and some details are missing. I will green my howl modules in one step.



First steps are done. Waiting for a Tomitec Farm and a small crossing. The farm replace the house. The tunnel divide scenery from my country style to ...

The old Tomix farm was descreed colored.



Sorry for the long silence. This is only a small *ping* that I am alive. I have some health and time problems. It could be better but all is still okay.


- Kai




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Kia - I hope you are doing better with your health.


Your modeling work is very precise, nice work!

What are you using for grass mats?

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The fields look like some free samples of artificial turf which I once picked up at Home Depot.  It seemed like a potentially promising material, although a bity shiny.  I tried to cut it down to individual rows, but that didn't work out too well for me.  Perhaps leaving it intact with a spray of Dullcote is the solution.

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Thank you Bernard - Maybe I become better after my holiday in April (going to UK near Exeter).


The filed is a piece of a grass flor. I must remove the rubber from the bottom, than it will get some milimeters lower. For thepalnting rows I will try to make them with a solderig iron.


For the normal grass plains I will use NOCH Fruehlingswiese.

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