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Japan By Rail: A Book

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I just ordered this book from Amazon.com for five bucks. Sadly it is the latest edition, but is two years old. I am not going to really trust the time table section, thoguh I am hoping that the maps may be useful for  the next trip to Japan.


Does anyone currently own this book? What are the takes on it?



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bikkuri bahn

Based on the Amazon reviews, people either love it or dislike (if not hate) it.  My recommendation for timetables is to buy a "jikokuhyo" (timetable) published either by JTB or JR.  Learn how to read it, and you'll rarely need to use a guidebook, in my experience.  Also my advice for accommodations can be summed up in two words: Toyoko Inn.

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Based on the Amazon reviews, people either love it or dislike (if not hate) it.  My recommendation for timetables is to buy a "jikokuhyo" (timetable) published either by JTB or JR.  Learn how to read it, and you'll rarely need to use a guidebook, in my experience.   Also my advice for accommodations can be summed up in two words: Toyoko Inn.


I wasn't going to go by the book for the timetables. I sorta just bought it to have it for the maps while here. I can get the big time tables from a friend who works for JTB. Truth be known when I go to Japan, I have never used one. I found this guy for like five bucks and bought it for the sake of seeing what was in it.

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I bought this book sometime ago. I found it a very worthwhile investment. There is alot of good information, and the suggested itineries were very useful. That said, the mrs was not so keen on the book, she found it to text heavy, but this didn't bother me. I'd recomend it to anyone thinking of visiting Japan and using the trains.

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