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NHK: city folk move to the country to farm


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I just caught some of this interesting program on NHK World: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/tv/broadcasterseye/lineup.html .  The show focuses on a man who moved from Osaka to the town of Sugaike in Ishiyama-ken to become a farmer.  It seems that his progress is followed for a few years.  Fortunately, after a while, he starts to enjoy some success.  Interesting lifestyle choice.  I don't think I could go all the way to becoming a farmer, but I can certainly see the appeal in the "downshifting" thing.


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It's also happening in Europe, on a different scale. I've seen several features on RAI (Italian TV) of young people (many of whixch have never had anything to do with agriculture in their lifetime) moving away to the country to take up farming - often, but not always, on expropriated ex-Mafia land.


Cheers NB

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