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New Type: JR East Series E259 "NEX"

Sushi Train

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Sushi Train

Has this been touched on yet?


:-* I'm in LOVE!  :-*


























Did I mention.....:-* I'm in LOVE!  :-*

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I have seen a number of concept pictures, but yes this does look most impressive 'in the flesh'.


Although this one is striking, the original N'EX sets are still handsome units and I will be sad to see them go. I would hope they would end up being cascaded as opposed to scrapped, and will be interested to see where they end up.

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Very nice! Thanks for posting the pictures. I still like the Haruka better, but this is definitely up there.



I hope Kato or MicroAce comes out with it.


[locks up bank account]

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It's been all over the JTrains group for a week now, you'd've guess it was the coming of the messiah or something. (Lord forbid when the E5 debuts)


The new trainset does look pretty good though. I've heard the old NEX trains are looking long in the tooth, so I wonder what the final fate of those will be, though I suspect they still have life in them considering how old some of the JR fleet is on other Limited Express service trains are these days.

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Martijn Meerts

I guess the won't be replacing the old ones all at once (although, I guess there's not THAT many of them.)


I have the current one on order, Kato re-released it recently or is re-releasing it soon, it should be interesting to see both the old and the new run on the layout =)

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Sushi Train

i've always been a fan of the current one and finally riding one was a pleasure or though up close they are showing their age badly, i really like the style of this new one.

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I guess the won't be replacing the old ones all at once (although, I guess there's not THAT many of them.)


I have the current one on order, Kato re-released it recently or is re-releasing it soon, it should be interesting to see both the old and the new run on the layout =)


If I recall correctly, and I'm sure I won't becasue the thread on J-trains was getting annoyingly long, I beleive the last of the current train sets are slated for removal by mid-2011. I suspect the old NEX trains will replace the JR Class 153's which are pushing close to thirty years.

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I've seen some videos too, it's quite a nice train. But common retired an old class after 18 years of services...  :o I hope they are going to be used some place else.


On another subjec: The Caps of the title are hurting my eyes.  :-*

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Sushi Train

I've seen some videos too, it's quite a nice train. But common retired an old class after 18 years of services...  :o I hope they are going to be used some place else.


On another subjec: The Caps of the title are hurting my eyes.  :-*


What CAPS?  ???

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Hey friends


I was just surfing the internet for trains, and found this one, i have never seen this train before, does anybody have some info about it, and is there a N sclae  Model of this train ????




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Oh, the new 259, Narita Express trains. Yeah, those trains were all the rage last week. They're replacing the current 253 train sets here shortly. No models of it out yet, but they will be shortly I expect.



Hey friends


I was just surfing the internet for trains, and found this one, i have never seen this train before, does anybody have some info about it, and is there a N scale  Model of this train ????



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Yeah, the 259 was all the talk until someone caught a glimpse then subsequently the PR went out on the Kesei Skyliner. This has sorta been a busy month for new train roll outs.

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To be honest, I hadn't thoguht any of these would be rolling yet, so I was a bit surprised to see photos posted of the new trains above, yet alone video.

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I gotta say this train is not a love at first sight.  It does slowly grow on you.  I am all in for either Kato, Tomix or MicroAce to come up with the model.


I am also curious whether the model manufacturer(s) will make this available to couple another NEX like what we see in the videos.

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bikkuri bahn

I gotta say this train is not a love at first sight.  It does slowly grow on you.  I am all in for either Kato, Tomix or MicroAce to come up with the model.


I am also curious whether the model manufacturer(s) will make this available to couple another NEX like what we see in the videos.


I have doubts that the coupling arrangement with realistic/workable bellows gangways can be done in N scale with the standard rapido couplers and minimum radius requirements.  Maybe in HO scale?


Shot of E259 Narita Express gangway opened and extended:






an interesting news feature on both the new Narita Express and the Skyliner.  There is a sequence of the gangway opening at 2:12


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