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n700 engine problems?


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So I recently purchased a n700 four car set and already knowing it had a bad whine in the engine I decided to tackle the challenge and was wondering where can I pick up a new motor for one of those? I have already isolated the issue to the motor because the truck assembly gears move effortlessly along with the drive shafts.

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Have you tried a little light machine oil on the motor bearings?


Also even if the trucks are moving ok they can be dry and make some noise as well when spun up.



Edited by cteno4
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  On 8/24/2013 at 2:13 PM, rogu3status said:
Would sewing machine oil work? Also its Kato.

try but very careful 


and where are you from?

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Should I apply the oil to the inside housing of the motor, because it looks like there was some friction between the magnet and the copper bundle. There is also a distinct groove where the copper has brushed against the outer magnet housing. As for me im from dolores Colorado

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it looks like there was some friction between the magnet and the copper bundle. There is also a distinct groove where the copper has brushed against the outer magnet housing.


Has a bearing come out of it entirely?  This doesn't sound so good.

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Im not entirely sure but it does seem to be favoring one side of the housing over the other. When the motor was assembled I didnt notice and movement from the axle rods coming off the main motor, but its entirely possible that I have a bad bearing. The lead or graphite contact pin on one side also seems to be worn further than the other.

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  On 8/24/2013 at 4:12 PM, rogu3status said:
Im not entirely sure but it does seem to be favoring one side of the housing over the other. When the motor was assembled I didnt notice and movement from the axle rods coming off the main motor, but its entirely possible that I have a bad bearing. The lead or graphite contact pin on one side also seems to be worn further than the other.

can u do some pic to your model? 

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  On 8/24/2013 at 5:55 PM, rogu3status said:
Heres what im working with the small parts in the train shell and the housing with the magnets

ok, I will check today

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Hmm if you are getting rubbing like that it could be a bad bearing not keeping the core in the center of the motor. The groove though could be from a small piece of metal getting in there and causing a gouge.


You want pretty fine oil for the motor bearings. I think sewing machine oil is pretty fine/thin oil. Use just a tiny amount at a time and jus apply a tiny amount on he end of a tooth pick, then run some.


I've seen so few motors go bad, even with pretty heavy use, but it does happen.


Unfortunately the pics are a bit too blurry to see what's going on.



Edited by cteno4
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If I do need a new engine where could I get one or parts, I checked 1999.co.jp and they dont carry any and I cant navigate the kato webpage because for this type of train the page is in japanese only. Im not willing to buy a new motor coach for 100 $ off ebay


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Guest Closed Account 1

It could be a driveline angle issue. Check that the gap on either side of the motor is about 1mm. 


Check with Loco1Hobby for parts. This motor is used for many new Kato trains.

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Try Katousa. They will often times order the part from kato Japan for you. They charge retail price and like $6 shipping to you. They usually want you to fax them the instruction sheet with the desired part circled so there is no confusion on what you want. Give them a ring.


Other option would be to try loco1hobby.com run by keitaro here on the forum or fmodels.jp (email order@fmodels.com) as they sometimes will try to do part orders.



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Here are some better resolution shots of the motor. As far as the ordering sheet that came with it I cant find where to select a whole new motor assembly if kato usa asks to fax over what I am looking for. Lastly I could not locate any new motor parts on the web sites that were suggested. I thank you guys for being patience with my little predicament.




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Well the inside does not look too bad.


I would try to reassemble, oil the bearings and then see if you put it back into the unit. Also check the distance on the universal joints on the motor shafts, if not they can also make a whine. Did you try running the motor out of the chassis to see if it whined then?


Hugh, the other page had no mention of the motor? I would contact Katousa and see what they have to say. They did bring over the n700 for distribution to the us so that might help.


I would email both loco1hobby and fmodels to see what they might be able to do.



Edited by cteno4
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Ok that sounds like a good plan ill have to call tomorrow when kato usa is open and ill give the other places a ring too. I will get back to you and reveal my findings.

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Martijn Meerts

On a side note, Kato doesn't supply motor parts, but only complete motors for replacement. The motors aren't meant to be serviced really.

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im guessing it will be in the $10-20 range. ive never bought a kato motor. tomix motors are in the $10-15 range.



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