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OK, now i need some guidance......

John k

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Ordered the K-On Tea Time train painted set.  I knew this was going to be a kit, no worries....


Opened up the box...and saw a decal sheet, for the sides and front.....PLENTY of worries!


Question for you guys:  I am leaning toward building the cars first, then applying the decals, but maybe you have done these before ....


When should i apply the decals, and are these thin decals or a bit thicker?  (Too thin and they might break apart, fold over, or wrinkle like many MicroScale decals  do)


Any guidance, suggestions would be useful!  Thanks


PS> Also, recommended powerplant for this set?



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Hi John, I have almost completed building this kit, at the moment I am waiting for the motor to arrive.
As for the decals there are several different ways (the instruction look a bit complicated)
I built the kit first and then painted it and fitted the windows and then the decals at the end. The decals are pretty strong and fairly easy to move around.
A good tip is to use Micro set (setting solution for decals) and then use some Micro Sol to make the decals mold to the shape of the train. If your not sure what Micro Set and Micro Sol is let me know I will explain more. Also Testors Dullcote sprayed onto the model takes away the shine of the transfers.
A motor that should fit is the Tomytec TM-20 (mine hasn't arrived yet but hopefully soon).
This is the first time I have made a train from a kit, so I am also learning.

I will post some pictures of my almost completed model.





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Cracking good job there! those look great! you are almost making me brave enough to try these (but already sold out!}!


thanks for the picts!



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Thanks Jeff for the encouraging words, I also have the "Chihayafuru" one to build. Which is still available http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10208225

But before that I have a Green Max 429 EE-2600 Seibu 451 series four-car train set to build. I need to do a bit of research into that. :icon_scratch:


Looking forward to seeing the K-On train hopefully running soon.


By the way its Dabsan not Debsan  :laughing11:

Edited by dabsan
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  On 7/21/2013 at 5:48 PM, dabsan said:
By the way its Dabsan not Debsan  :laughing11:


Small trivia: "Debsan" or "Debusan" means Mr./Ms. Fat Person in Japanese. :P

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Sorry, I'm dyslexic and can read right thru stuff like that! Not calling you fat!


My dyslexia entertains many!



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Hi dabsan! That looks great! The decals are applied beautifully, and like Jeff said, it also makes me wanna get the set! Nice weathering on the top section and pantograph of the tram!


Usually wrapping trains have decals you need to apply yourself... Also, if the set is very cheap, high likely the wrapping design will be decals. However, Tomytec has quite a few nicely painted trains belonging to the Rail Collection series that are quite good and cheap, and comes with body already painted to details~~ 

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Thanks Jeff for the message, that's ok no worries!! :laughing11:

Tony thanks for the trivia :laughing6:

Just to set the record straight the Dab part is the frst letters of my name Darren Anthony Bentley .... and san for Mr.


JR500 thanks for the good comments and yes I agree there are some great Tomytec painted trains, the soon to be released Fujikyuko Series 1000 (EVANGELION Color) springs to mind.

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Hi, just an update to say that I have fitted the Tomytec TM-20 motor into the K-On tram. The motor was little bit smaller than the body so I fixed 2 bit's of plasticard inside and it fits fine now and runs very good.
I will try and put a link to a quick bit of mobile phone footage of it running.


Edited by dabsan
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Do you have a photo of how you attached the bogie sides and equipment at the underside to the chassis?

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Hi Densha, here is a photograph of the underside, everything is just glued on. The strips of plasticard are on the inside of the body.




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That'll be difficult to access if you would have a motor problem one day. But nice choice for the TN couplers!

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Yeah fingers crossed no motor problems in the near future :P The roof is actually not glued down and just snaps into place so access to the motor is possible.

Thanks for the good comments and interest.

Edited by dabsan
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