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Model Magazines


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as I'm a subscriber of many magazines from France, Great Britain and USA, does it's possible make a subscription of a Japanese model magazine?

Of course, I hope in some magazine written in english...

Does exist a publisher that ship to Europe?

Many thanks. 

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I asked a Japanese friend if I could get a subscription to Tetsudo Fan or Tetsudo Journal.  I think he found that the publishers will mail the magazine to you each month, but there's no discount.  In the US, if you subscribe for a year or two years or whatever, you usually get the magazines for less than the cover price.


As for the publications on Japanese railways, they're all in Japanese as far as I know.  There is the UK-based Japanese Railway Society http://www.japaneserailwaysociety.com/ but I'm not sure if they publish something or not.  For English-language Japanese railway information and discussion, this forum is probably the best source there is.

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I reserve Japan Railfan Magazine, Hobby of Model Railroading and RM Models from Hobby Search each month.

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As for the publications on Japanese railways, they're all in Japanese as far as I know.  There is the UK-based Japanese Railway Society http://www.japaneserailwaysociety.com/ but I'm not sure if they publish something or not.  For English-language Japanese railway information and discussion, this forum is probably the best source there is.


JRS publishes a small magazine from time to time with English language information on Japanese railways (and buses to some extend). Next to that, there are quite naturally no magazines in English about Japanese railways. The JRS magazine is therefore quite unique.

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