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2 questions about formations


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Alright, so something I have been wanting to know for a while.


In the future, I'd like a simple passenger train. Nothing too fancy, a few passenger cars, a luggage van, whatever. Anyway, my first question is what would a typical formation be made up of using the old blue carriages, like in this style of carriage:




But with some other carriages and a luggage van or whatever.


And my second question is, I wouldn't mind some of these:




But what exactly pulls them? Google is hardly helpful searching in both Japanese and English. I got a picture with a DD51 or something, and a drawing with one being pulled by something bright red.


Any help on either would be great.

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Here's a list of formations that include OHAFU33s: http://www.geocities.jp/ima19971019/train. Use the find function in your web browser and search for オハフ to find all the OHAFU cars.


For that second one, I think a DE10 or DD51 would be prototypically correct.

Edited by miyakoji
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Alright, thanks. I will have a look at that site later, at the moment it looks like I don't have Japanese characters installed or something (??) because it's coming up as a jumble of letters and symbols.


And that's good, I was kind of needing a DD51 anyway. Thanks again.

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What browser are you using? If you're using Firefox like me you can get it working like this: Firefox button -> webdeveloper -> character set -> recognize -> japanese

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I use Chrome. It just seems odd that Japanese text works for all other sites, except this one apparently. The pictures can give me a good idea what I am looking for though since it doesn't have to be realistic, just generic.

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Alright, so rather than make a new thread and flood this with threads that can be answered in a minute, I'd like to know something.


I'm somewhat tired of my Greenmax Keikyu 1000 not being able to run. I've had it for a while but it's just a 4 car trailer set. I am wondering if this motor would be one I'd need in future to get it running.



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Hello Mr Keikyu,


  On 7/7/2013 at 6:20 AM, Keikyu said:
I use Chrome. It just seems odd that Japanese text works for all other sites, except this one apparently. The pictures can give me a good idea what I am looking for though since it doesn't have to be realistic, just generic.


Please allow me to assist you with Google Chrome by following the instructions below:


1. At top right corner next to address bar please choose the icon with 3 lines and a green square.  If you put the mouse there is will say "Customize and control Google Chrome";


2. Please choose "Tools" then "Encoding" then "Auto detect" at the top of the list.  Your webpage should then appear correctly.  If not, simply reload the webpage.


Also, you should see immediately below the URL the message "This page is in Japanese.  Would you like to translate it?"  You can use this feature to swap between Japanese and your native language.  So perfect.


Finally, there is "Options" button on the right where you can opt to have Chrome translate all Japanese to your language.  I do not use this feature because I prefer to see original script first.

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