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You Know that you're obsessed with trains when......


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You go to a Craft Store (Michaels, to get scenery items for your trains) with your wife and the sales people know your name but not her's.

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its worse when the guys in the mailroom recieve packages without a name on it but with a customs declaration that says "toy trains" and they know to send it to you (we have 900 people in our firm)...

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I hate when its written Toy trains but I guess it doesn't raise any suspicion in customs as to price.


Sushi, there's something about your attachments that are bring the threads they get posted to down…And aside from being fairly large, I can't see any common theme that would explain it. Grr…

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how 'bout this one : when all your friends feel the need to inform you of every train related dvd they saw at some dvd shop at some random shopping centre  ;D

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Or wait till Xmas when all your friends give you those train DVD as gifts or for that matter, any train theme gifts.

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Sushi Train

Or they just give you money for train "stuff" after the whole xmas 07 unpleasantness  :-X  ;)


or when calling an EF66 an EF65 turns to assault!


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how 'bout this one : when all your friends feel the need to inform you of every train related dvd they saw at some dvd shop at some random shopping centre


Man thats extreme!

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... you plan a whole Saturday to run some trains and post the videos to youtube.  :P

(I'll post the links here.  ;) )

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Sushi Train

... you plan a whole Saturday to run some trains and post the videos to youtube.  :P

(I'll post the links here.  ;) )



Im still waiting for those links  >:(

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Turned out to be a nice day so I worked on the yard.

But here's a couple of my older videos:



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When it's nice outside I always want to be outside also. Off topic, who makes your "Big Boy"? As a kid my parents took a trip to "Steam Town USA" and there was the original Big Boy, it was impressive!

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The Big Boy is an Athearn model. It came with factory sound, which you can kinda hear in the video.

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Nice videos train dork, that viaduct track looks cool, the day when a shinkansen and an american passenger ride on the same line!

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Nice videos train dork, that viaduct track looks cool, the day when a shinkansen and an american passenger ride on the same line!


Just wait until our layout is done--it's going to be very confusing to see JR, Amtrak, Deutsche Bahn, and SBB all running together.  ;)

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When you get more excited seeing a train (real or model) than the 9 year old standing next to you!





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Is that the truth! It's strange how trains go in cycles, either you're very young when it's all you think about (Thomas and the Brio trains) or as you get older and into modeling them. I've seen this with my nephew, I used to buy him Thomas & Brio train and as soon as he got to be 8, he lost interest in trains. 

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you know when your obcessed when you buy three train sets in one day and have to plan ahead for the big credit card bill.


(today i bought two 221 sets plus a 223 set)

;D ;D


thank god for credit cards

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Subway - You have to post photos when they come in.  ;)

Now I'm getting worried about the overseas shipping rates from Japan and fees from credit cards for money conversions.  :-\

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Call all your credit cards and see if they apply an out of country fee and how much it is. some still dont pass the charge from visa/mc along to the customer and some do and some do and i think tack their own on! fees are the way the cc companies make their money.





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I have found that PayPal is way cheaper than using my CC; PP only charges a modest percentage for the currency conversion, and no other fees.

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