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Tomix DF 50 Instruction Sheet Translation

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Per the suggestion of one of the forum members, I have attached a .pdf scan of the Tomix DF 50 instruction sheet that I would appreciate being translated into English. I have tried to get this translated with some web based tools and gotten no where.  Any help on this would be most appreciated. Thank you.




Jere Ingram

Tomix Instruct DF50.pdf

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I'll give it a try if no one else is (if someone is, let me know!)




you wouldn't happen to have a higher resolution version of this would you? I can read it with only a little difficulty, but a cleaner version would be nicer. :)



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test, test...


TOMIX                                                                                                                                                                  HO GAUGE


HO-201・201・203   J.N.R. Diesel Locomotive Type DF50   国鉄DF50形ディーゼル機関車 共通説明書

                                                                                Japanese National Railways DF50 Class Diesel Locomotive Shared Manual


We deeply appreciate your purchase of this item. After thoroughly reading this instruction manual, please enjoy the model while adequately handling with care.


As it has points of notice, etc regarding the operation of model trains, please safekeep this instruction manual.


実車ガイド Real-Life History








The DF50 was introduced in 1957 (Showa 32) aimed for the non-electrified or low-grade branch lines converting away from coal ("smokeless conversion") and was the first domestically mass produced diesel locomotive. Technological development of internal combustion propulsion was not progressing in Japan at the time, as mainly electrical motor driven "electric type" locomotives could provide the same power for a similarly sized diesel. Still, to deal with branch lines with low-grade track and sharp curves, it became the first domestic locomotive to adopt the B-B-B axle configuration, and along with its box-shape body, later provided the basis for more capable electric locomotives.


The DF50 type prototype units were numbered 1 - 7, and when moved to mass production, were separated into 0 series or 500 series depending on the engine used, and a total of 138 locomotives were manufactured. These locomotives, excluding Hokkaido, were distributed to unelectrified/low-grade branch lines, where they were mainly used in pulling passenger and freight cars.


With the goal of improving the production balance, the model has the middle bogie slightly off from the center of the body as seen in locomotives No. 8 and later, and so the model more accurately reproduces the locomotive as it would have been seen in daily use throughout the locomotive's deployment.




Because the actual DF50 type locomotive had many variations in condition depending on manufacturing date, location issued to, mods, etc., please acknowledge that all parts may have distinguishing features for a given number locomotive and time period.

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本製品には以下の部品(付属(ふぞく)品)があります。ランナーに付いている部品はニッパーなどでランナーの根元からていねいに切りはなし、説明に したがって採番(さいばん)に取り付けてください。なお、刃物などの道具をご使用になる場合は、ケガなどの無いよう十分ご注意ください。
This product comes with the following parts (accessories). Detach the parts attached to the runners (sprues) with fine cutting pliers (nippers), etc by neatly cutting at the base of the runners, and based on the explanation of placement using the numerical index, attach the part to the locomotive as indicated. However, if using knives or other sharp tools, please take care to avoid injury.


and..... that's all i can do for tonight. I'll see if i can work on this some more tomorrow... hope what i have so far is of any help :)


Edited by qwertyaardvark
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模型取り扱い上のお願い Careful handling and care

・鉄道模型の運転に際してのご注意 Advice while running your model train

  1. 車両を運転するときは、必ず直流(D.C.)12V 以下で行ってください。また、交流(A.C.)絶対に使用しないでください。
    When running the model train, you must use 12V DC or less. Also, never supply AC to the model train.
  2. 直射(ちょくしゃ)日光(にっこう)に当てると、変色の原因となりますので、ご注意下さい。また、湿気(しっき)やホコリが多い場所、暖房(だんぼう)器具の近くなど温度の高くなる所でのご使用や保管は、模型に悪い影響をあたえますのでおやめください。
    Take care to keep the model out of direct sunlight as it can cause discoloration. Also, use and store the model from any situation that can ruin the model, like areas with high humidity, lots of dust, or high temperature, like near a portable heater.
  3. 動力車及びライト付の車両は、通電機能を良好(りょうこう)に保(たも)つために、車輪(しゃりん)に付着(ふちゃく)したホコリ、ヨゴレなどをこまめにふき取るようにしてください。また、本製品はスムースに走行(そうこう)するよう動力機構(きこう)が精密(せいみつ)に仕上がっておりますので、急発進、急停止などの無理な運転はしないようご注意下さい。
    In order to maintain a good electrical contact for the motor car or cars with lighting, wipe any dust or dirt that becomes attached to the wheels. Also, in order to keep the model running smoothly, and as the model contains many high precision parts, please do not attempt any unreasonable operation, such as sudden starts or sudden stops, while driving the model.
  4. 車両の通過(つうか)カーブ半径は600mm以上(S字形の線形を除く)です。この半径以上のカーブルールで運転してください。なお、他の製品と連結(れんけつ)して運転する場合は、各製品の通過カーブ半径をお確(たし)かめください。
    Excluding S-curves, the radius the model can pass through is 600 mm or larger. Please operate with this radius in mind. Also, if coupled and operated with other models, be sure to take into account the minimum radius of each model.
  5. 台車及び動力ユニット部への注油(ちゅうゆ)は、故障(こしょう)の原因となりますのでおやめください。
    Do not oil the bogies or the motor unit parts as this can cause breakdown of or damage to the model.


パーツの取り付け方  Parts and Accessories Installation

●ワイパー・タブレットプロテクター・フックの取り付け方 Wiper, Tablet Protector, and Hook Attachment

These parts are made from metal. When removing these parts from the runner, please use a tool designed for use on metal. After cutting the parts from the runner at their base, insert the parts as shown in Figure 2 below. Also, the tablet protector and hook come pre-painted, but because of the nature of the outer coating, it can easily fall off if not adequately handled with care.


Edited by qwertyaardvark
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Thank you for your effort on this. However, I am going to pay some one here in SF to do a full translation. I will post it as soon as it is done.




Jere Ingram 

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