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drive shafts


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hey theres been discussion in a few threads about stripped drive shafts. in the past i have been lucky to be able to order the correct kato truck with attached drive shaft for replacement, but one of our jrm members had a tomix 300 that we were having troubles finding parts to order, so i tried a spare one of the kato drive shafts i had and it worked!


to this end the last couple of hobby search orders i have done i have bought a few different drive shafts they stock now and then for tomix (they are like $2 for a pack of 2-4 of them) to have as spare parts hanging around. i just discovered the JR09 part which is a drive shaft that is in two parts. each end looks to have the standard sized universal joint (knob with 4 pins sticking out at 90 degree increments), but each of the two halves are a connector piece for the center meat of the drive shaft. one end is a simple hex rod and the other end has a cylinder with hex socket in it. this means you can just slip the one end into the other. its a great tight pressure fit so its got some range on the overall length you can make the drive shaft. you could make it even shorter by cutting down the hex rod end some. ends up looking like it could be a nice universal drive shaft!





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Astro Boy ;) - Do you know if they have Green Max drive shafts or do you know if I can substitute another brand?

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Astro Boy ;) - Do you know if they have Green Max drive shafts or do you know if I can substitute another brand?




I have never seen greenmax parts for the mechanisms, only car detail parts. i have never taken apart a greenmax mechanism to see if they use the more standard drive shaft and universal cup joints on each end. i did just get one on ebay in a series 12 coach so i will have to take a look at it.


if you want i can send you a few of the types i have and if one works just order me a replacement on your next hobby search order. i have JF03, 04, and 09 here.


hobbyworld has a jf09 in stock and they will ship small stuff like this sal for like $5 if you get in a pinch sometime.


BTW i had wondered why the JF09s were labeled on as Elastic and now i see its really Extendable not Elastic. was thinking when i ordered it maybe it was softer in the middle and could flex some in case of an abrupt stop (ala the de10 spring drive shaft), but it was just something lost in translation!





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Jeff - thank you for the offer. The Green Max train that I lost one of the drive shafts is in Upstate NY and I'm in NYC working on a film, so I don't know when I'll be going up there. When I get up there I get the shaft and take a photo of it and the model.

Thanks again.

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