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Incredible Pic Of Grade Crossing Accident


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What happens when train hits car:
Please don't jump crossings. Two dead in the car.  I suspect that the third rail is the cause of the fire.   The fiberglass front of the M3 melted shortly after this picture.  That train car's going to scrap.


This could have been avoided if the person driving had not tried to jump the gates. 

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It was lucky that there were no passengers on the train, it could have been worse. There is at least one case a year where a car gets impatient and decides to go around the crossing gates. I feel sorry for the engineer who had to witness this and couldn't do anything to stop it from happening.

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If you drive around a set of crossing gates, then you have to accept anything that happens afterwards.


You cant "play with death" and complain if it goes wrong.

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I think there wasn't much life in the bodies to feel the heat...


Here a video which shows detailed what happens when a train hits a car


Edited by SONIC883
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our driving class in high school (in the 70s) they use to show us very graphic highway patrol movies from the 50s and 60s of very horrible car crashes. many were level grade crossing strikes. bodies were basically jelly. it was good enough to stop me from ever even thinking about it for a second as a teenager (when teenage logic is just not connected to the real world logic, its off in the 8th dimension...).


also my best friend's father owned the local towing garage so over dinner at their house we would hear of the recent wrecks and getting calls to look for body parts... again helped me keep sane behind the wheel.



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  On 1/23/2013 at 10:17 AM, SONIC883 said:
Here a video which shows detailed what happens when a train hits a car...


High-speed ballast ploughing! 


Seriously, this is the reason why traincrew hate level crossings. You can't trust motorists to do the right thing and stay behind the stop line. 


As scary as this video is, level crossing collisions can have far worse consequences:




Disclaimer: The driver of this train is a mate of mine, and my wife was rostered to work it as the PSS. She was taken off this job to cover another one, but it was many hours before I was able to contact her and find out she was okay. 





Edited by marknewton
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