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Modelling glass train sheds?

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Has anyone seen any online examples of kitbashed or scratchbuilt glass trainsheds for n-scale layouts? I don't think our main station is going to fit any of the Kato station kits quite right, plus I'd like to have a "glass" shelter for the platforms, so they can be covered, but we can still see the trains.



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I guess that's meant to be a locomotive shed for maintenance, where I'm looking for the glass shed over passenger platforms. But something like that could work if a lot of the walls and ends were cut away.

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Christmas? Can't you think of a holiday that's closer?

Okay lets look on the calender, we just missed Australia Day, but look, St. Patrick's Day is Tues. I think we're supposed to exchange gifts on that day.  ::)

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yeah they aint cheap! lurk ebay i see them come buy now and then.


you might get some thin acrylic sheet and try scoring it like every half inch in each direction. then you could crimp it along one length at each line to form an arch however sharp or easy you want to. then you could just take small styrene stock (like 0.0625" square), paint it silver and glue them along the crimped lines to make the major long braces, then do some heavier stuff for the verticals and some thin stuff for the small braces. this way you could make things to whatever size you wish.









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Thanks, Jeff--I had thought (vaguely) of something like that, but didn't know what materials to use.


Bernard--I think tomorrow is International Buy An N-Scaler A Present Day.

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