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Kato transformer broken?


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Well, if the Wye is an indication of their future direction, I could see them changing the #4 to match. But it seems like an unnecessary retooling expense unless they're saving money in the long run by eliminating the metal (and the interior metal bits that switch its polarity). With the price of petroleum these days, I'm not sure plastic is even going to be cheaper.


Or maybe they've had too many complaints from folks who think all DCC frogs should be insulated, and figure they'll make more sales with a change.


If you hear anything more, or anyone else has seen a #4 with a plastic frog, please speak up.

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Yeah dcc was a thought that crossed my mind, but I'm sure a lot more unitrak goes to Japan rather than the us market so not much dcc pressure, and even then a lot of unitrak in the states seems to want to be dc.


We shall see it was just one poster there and no indication the actually bought the turnout and thoroughly tested it as you did. Still could be they saw the blackened metal and thought plastic. Doesn't explain the back plate, but don't know how they could have seen it w/o opening package.



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OK that was a tempest in a teapot! turns out that the point in question was an old part #20-208R in a new 20-211 box. im guessing someone returned a very old part in new box (on purpose or by mistake, who knows).


this appears to be a very old part that was a very plain jane #4 turnout that could be connected to the signal system. I cant find any reference to it on the kato japan site, anyone else know anything about these points? this came up on the kato unitrak group in 2006 and then folks thought it was an old product so now a pretty old product!





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