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Prototypical layouts?


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Hi All,


I am investigating a few options for my up and coming layout and was wondering if prototypical layouts are popular in Japanese N scale, specifically steam prototype?


If so, can someone suggest a few good websites I can take a look at to be inspired :)





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Let me welcome you to the forum! There are a few members here who are modeling the steam era or some who just like steam engines. I'm sure they will be able to help you. Also you can do a search in the forum in prototypes. Again welcome!

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Thanks Bernard,


I am taking a look around there at the moment, lot of modern prototypes thats for sure!

I look forward to seeing some nice layouts :)



I think perhaps I should clarify my questions, just realised that perhaps it could be read 2 ways :)

By prototypical, I mean finescale if you want to use German rail speak (http://www.fs160.eu/) or 2mm scale (if British).

I am looking at building a layout which Is modeled after a specific station in a specific time period. Its more common in Europe, but I love both German and Japanese steam so am torn :)

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Nice photo's! What a great resource for anyone doing steam!


Will peruse at my leisure :) Thanks


Glad you liked them!





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