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Just take a look, fantastic


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Davo Dentetsu

As modern art goes, it's much better than the usual things we typically see nowadays.

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yeah it could use a lot better aesthetics and design to make a presentation that would have a lot more effect and make a much better memory for the viewer and even get the socal effect better! this guy is just into the 'concept' of art's boundaries, he does not really get the art sprit. But unfortunately he has a "name" in the art world (and thus money) which is how art is defined in the late 20th century, not if it really contains the true art spirit. true art everyone knows intuitively its art, they dont have to have it explained to them.


at least its not just a dead cow or shark in a tank or a urinal hanging on a white wall...



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The urinal was never hanged on a wall. ;) And it's a great piece for so many reasons. But Hirst is another story, he is not to my taste though I quite like the way he titles his pieces. And that Chris Burden...  :lipssealed: Ouch. I fail to see that as art. I just came from an art school graduation exhibition that was much much much better. But the worst is still the video... where did they found that "journalist"?! Is she reporting for a kid's show? The level is horrifying: "what qualifies this as art?" "For me this is the coolest thing I have ever seen".



And yeah, maybe it's time to announce to everyone that I recently opened a gallery/exhibition space with a friend.  :grin

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I was referring to the one at the art institute of chicago's modern wing (horrible renzo box with spikes). it was one of the first galleries you hit in it. there was one blotch of red paint above it. no art spirit, just attempt to probe the edge of what art is and ask the question -- thats an intellectual exercise at art, not art. I think this is a distinction thats been lost in the 20th century as art has become too much an intellectual exercise in order to claim many things as art that are not.


cool on the gallery opening! you have a site up for it?



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Ah! I thought you were referring to Duchamp's urinal. Sorry.


Thanks. Yes we have a website but it's only a temporary one for the moment. We are still working on it (as well as working on our future events). The finish and complete one should be on line during the coming month, hopefully. Our focus should be quite different than what you are criticizing. Possibly, putting the viewer's experience at the center of our curatorial practice and try to change, play with and bend the rules of how to exhibit art. And I think we are going to have a strong focus on performance too if I believe on what we are working right now. We also are going to host a monthly "sonic residency", something for experimental/ambient/soundscaping artist/musicians with a final performance involving only headphones... I'm excited!  :cool: :)



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cool, sounds tres exciting!


i think thats what gets forgotten so much in the modern over intellectualization that happens with art, the effect it is sposta have on the viewer -- them getting that intuitive experience that this is art and cant quite describe it in words -- gets lost. there are the objective and subjective sides to art/design its a balance, you need both. same goes with the intellectual/conscious and subconscious/intuitive of the viewer. modern culture and art has moved so far to the conscious/intellectual side, dissing the intuitive/subconscious side, but with out it there is no yin without the yang.


looking forward to what you guys do. love audioscapes. ive gotten to work with bernie krause a little before, amazing stuff!



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