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Who is on Skype ??


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Hey all


I was thinking, it could be funny to Skype with each other , now that many of us have talked here on JNS and email.


So if anybody is interested , this is my Skype name : dominobrian



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Check it out under any avatar. If someone added his/her skype account, it's there for a reason. Hook me up if someone likes to have a chat of an exchange of ideas sometimes! :grin

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Yes , i see, but i want people to say "great idea, im game, please contact me any time"  i dont want to contact anybody uninvited , that`s just me  :cool:



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im on skype and would enjoy chatting sometime, but ive had to go to only accepting calls from those in my address book as there has been a big rash of robo calls to skype numbers.


ive had verying luck using skype for audio and not tried it for video. but its been good to use when no cell phone but have wifi and especially when traveling outside the us w/o my cell phone.


pm me and we can schedule something with the time zones.


i use to use ichat a lot for business and some personal use. was quite fun to do a meeting with folks spread all over the us on video conference. we ran one exhibit production totally with ichat meetings and only 2 in person meetings in a year! it worked out soo much better as we talked more often and way fewer issues or problems happened. I worked with my video producer for 5 weeks straight about 4-10 hours a day on the video elements for it. i was like we were in adjoining offices even though she was 2500 miles away! we would just keep it running all day, was pretty fun. was wonderful as it let you share videos on it as well.



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Davo Dentetsu

Happy to have those of a more knowledgable disposition on my Skype device.  Name to look for is:  monarodoorslammer

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Have been a Skype user since it started, before that was Paltalk and a number of other similarly forgettable chat programs.


Would be happy to chat with anybody from here but if you are asking for me to add you then you MUST mention on your request that you have met me in here otherwise I will automatically ignore your request. I get too many trying to connect to me to just accept them all.

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Love your little website mate.  Track plan is AWESOME !!!!




Thanks mate. The site is a work in progress.


I take it that you are talking about my new layout plan? http://railway.loxtonfamily.info/index.php/track-plan-gallery.html


Still a dream in progress but getting there. I will start with my quad module as that is the one most completed. I will be ripping out the PECO points and replacing them with the Tomix 140-30's once I get them fixed up. Then I can build the cog track to meet the mountain module. That way I can at least have the train go up and down and see what I need to do when I do the other modules.


The Seaside Mountain is a big challenge, I can see it in my mind, I just need to work out how to build it. I was going to do both the big loops in KATO but then I thought that by going Tomix I can get single tracks and split them. The theme is for a modern line to have been built near to an original line thus the separation.


The other end of the dumbbell is a City loop. Theme here will be urban easing into semi-rural. The rest of the layout is rural to mountainous timber country.


There are two ideas in my mind for that City loop. One is a long held dream of the overhead Tomix Shinkansen Station at a 45degree angle across the modules starting at what is the top left corner as the plan is showing. It wont be a running line, just for display.

The other idea is still gelling on using the Fujimi Tokyo Monorail system. It might be easier to build into the space as it will take up much less real estate than the Shinkansen line would.


I am even thinking of taking a Tomix Bus chassis and building into a car so it could just run back and forth along the metre or two of trackage. Should be able to get rubber wheels from somewhere so that the dummy motor systems can at least be moved along.


The Fishing port will be quite low in the module and be based around the Tomix Fishing models or similar. Other beaches will be around that module including on or two boats. One I hope to add will be like a resort with the beach and sunbathing folks.


The Timber line at present is planned to be N with a little steamer I have running back and forth. There is an idea in my head to make it Narrow Gauge but that is for the future as that would need dual trackage into the mountain top lines/depot.


So that is my plans. Without XTrackCAD it would still be just dreams and pencil doodling so I am very grateful that we have such cool tool available to us.

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