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V53 expansion set - parts available separately?

Ken Ford

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I just received a Unitram V53 today and have a question about one of the included items.  I've never had much luck navigating the Kato website, so I'm asking here.


V53 includes two 25mm to 33mm spacing conversion tracks, each of which is made up of one 62mm segment of Unitram track with special road and curb inserts and one ballasted 124mm spacing conversion.


On this special Unitram segment the road and curb inserts extend beyond the edge of the segment and overlap the attached ballasted track.  You wouldn't be able to attach this site of the segment to another Unitram panel.  I can make something similar to attach to normal out of styrene, but if I can buy it ready to go...


Has anyone seen this assembly available separately or is it only available in the V53 kit?  I have a real use for more of the special 62mm tram track panels but don’t need more of the other components included in V53



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This might make more sense with pics.  Shown is a normal 62mm tram segment and one of the special ones from V53.



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No individual pieces.  Kato is known for its rigid marketing.

But what just arose is another topic is that the link you placed seemingly features separate Unitram tracks. In a while it will hopefully become clear what's up with it.

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No individual pieces.  Kato is known for its rigid marketing.

But what just arose is another topic is that the link you placed seemingly features separate Unitram tracks. In a while it will hopefully become clear what's up with it.


There is a 62mm straight, but I understand its purpose is only to be alternate for the 40-300 crossover. Still very limited. Everything else is sets.

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That's what I was thinking.  Oh, well - styrene is cheap!


I do hope they decide to offer the 124mm straights out of V54 separately, though - 62mm makes things rather choppy.

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There now are individual pieces available from Japanese dealers.  In time they will work their way to North America and Europe.


40-010 186mm Straight

40-020 124mm Straight

40-021 124mm conversion track

40-031 62mm Straight

40-101 R180 R curve 25 mm to 33 mm track center

40-102 R180  L curve 25 mm to 33 mm track center

40-210 R180 turnout L

40-211 R180 turnout R

40-300 double 90 degree crossover

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