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Copper boxcar, WTH is it?


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Has anyone seen this: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10187836? Any idea what is it all about, wamuhachis converted for copper cathode service? Something completely different and specialized? Will the Tomiiden have to throw in a siding to a copper refinery? :grin :grin


Cheers NB

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bikkuri bahn

Nick, HobbySearch screwed up their description (in Japanese)- they used the characters for copper (銅製) when it should have been steel(鋼製).  It is for a set of three different steel body boxcars.  One of the things I don't like about Hobbysearch is their poor descriptions and lack of pictures with upcoming releases. Here is the Hobidas description for the same article, far superior:



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Nick, HobbySearch screwed up their description (in Japanese)- they used the characters for copper (銅製) when it should have been steel(鋼製).  It is for a set of three different steel body boxcars.  One of the things I don't like about Hobbysearch is their poor descriptions and lack of pictures with upcoming releases. Here is the Hobidas description for the same article, far superior:




Thanks BB... the link isn't working but I managed to find all about it elsewhere. Aw shucks, lost in translation and me thinking it was something all new and different :sad:.


Cheers NB

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