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Contacting BikkuriBahn by cell phone for me


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If anyone in the Kanto area (Nagano City today and Tokyo tomorrow) knows how to contact BikkuriBahn, please give him my cell phone number. I am not able to send an e-mail from my cell phone, so I can't contact him. Only got spam before and now too cheap. He sent me a message that he will not have access to the internet for a while.


My cell phone number is * and home phone is (> <)//


Best wishes and Thank you very much.


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he doesn't have internet access so no point i would assume.


good luck!

Ah I missed that part, I was thinking that only gmat doesn't have access

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to2leo, thanks.


I'm pretty dense about things like this. I don't use it much and don't have anything but basic phone service. I don't have any bank accounts or credit cards. My lesson fees go directly to my wife.


Best wishes,


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Grant what to2leo is trying to say is dont leave personal details on the forum. while i trust those on the forum i am sure there are bots out there sweeping for numbers and emails to add to their spam marketing list.



just be careful thats all your best to leave these things to pm.


such as


anyone have bb's contact i need for x reason please pm me his details or i will pm mine to you to forward to him.


otherwise you will start receiving calls on your phone from some duche in india or where ever trying to scam you

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