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Hot in Canada!

Hobby Dreamer

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Hobby Dreamer

Its going to reach 27C here in Ottawa, Canada today - or about 21C higher than it should -

or about 13C higher than the record!!


With humidex its about 31C !!!!!


I went hiking just over 2 weeks ago and it was -12C (but felt like -20C) and we had about 6 inches of new snow!!


Where's my bike pump ?!




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bikkuri bahn

Exact opposite here in Sapporo.  A high of -1C (the coldest spring equinox in 40+ years), snow flurries, spring is still a month and a half away.

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Every now and then the weird weather does make you feel the worlds going bye-bye :)



Some disturbing facts:

- 5.2 million hectares of forest are lost per year

- 85% of all fish stocks are depleted, overexploited, recovering or fully exploited.

- 20% of the world's population lack access to electricity

- 884 million people lack access to clean water

- 27% of the world's population live in absolute poverty

- There has been a 20 million increase in undernourished people since 2000

- 67 million children of primary school age are out of school

- 2.6 Billion live without basic sanitation

- There has been a 38% increase in global carbon dioxide emissions since 2009

- It will take 50+ until the ozone layer returns to pre 1980 levels


On a positive note, the global life expectancy has increased by 11 years! Woo!

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Its going to reach 27C here in Ottawa, Canada today - or about 21C higher than it should -

or about 13C higher than the record!!


With humidex its about 31C !!!!!


Blech.  Tomorrow is supposed to be the same :S

Can't take the heat, gimme my proper winter back!

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We had no real winter this year. Very early spring.  This is a repeat of March 2010.  But Europe and Asia had very severe winters.


On the negative side, this makes the snow melt all at once.

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Hobby Dreamer
this makes the snow melt all at once


I have not really seen the snow melt for years and I hike quite a bit. It just evaporates here....



The state of our planet is pretty troublesome...  I sometimes feel guilty buying hobby stuff when you think about how many people could never do this.. Almost all of what you posted could be resolved by a smaller world population.. that and less greed by those who have too much..

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Figures the year I buy a snow blower we only get snow once in the New York area.....BUT I'm not complaining! :grin (but I make a bet a lot of skiers are this year)

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ha you were the one to do it!


hey we got a generator for part of the house circuits as we averaged about 4-5 days a year here w/o power (we ranked down there with 3rd world countries, no kidding! and its our nations capital). as soon as we got it they finally got pepco to shape up some and we have only had one 15 sec power outage (5 seconds of generator time) during the hurricane last fall, then a transformer blew and we were out 1 minute till they switched over to another. so in the first year its gotten a total of 55 seconds of use! it gets 10x that each week on its duty cycle startup! i figure i should go collect $100 from each neighbor for being the sacrificial generator so we would get murphy's law to kick in!


but its good dorothy got stuck here for 6 days in snowpocolypse a couple years ago w/o power and i was in California. was not a fun time with the house at freezing and roads not plowed, so she is a very happy camper now knowing its there now...





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