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"Play Track" for Unitrack


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Note: Last post on this topic seems to be from 2009 - Should I even bother?


I came across Play Track while searching for better information on Kato's Japanese web site and wondered if anyone has tried to use Play Track or knows if Kato has considered to add this as a free service on their USA web site.


As nice as Kato's goods are and their email support is, I am surprised that they do not provide better information (e.g., older stock info, update/repair diagrams, etc.) or services like Play Track, for free, to "hook" new customers or further compel Kato customers to spend more money with them.

Anybody know why?


I have tried other track-planning software but, since I have settled on sticking with Kato's Unitrack (I have started with the V16 set and a bunch of straights.), I figured that Kato's own program Play Track would be the simplest to utilize.


Thank you for your thoughts, L

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As I recall, they priced that on a monthly subscription basis (plus an up-front cost), and I can't see paying that much for track-planning software.  That seemed to be the consensus at the time.  If anyone has used it, I'd be interested in their experience too.


But most of us seem to use either Railmodeler (on the Mac), or XTrackCAD (on both PC and Mac).  Both of those support Unitrack (and also some Tomix, although RM seems a bit weak there).  There's  a long Layout Design Software thread that's worth checking out.

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My personal favorite is Anyrail. It's very easy in use, but the full version is not free. I actually still use the demo version, since that's more than enough for a small layout (max. 60 track pieces). I don't have experience with XTrackCAD, but I got already confused when I just opened it.

Edit: since you were looking for a layout designer with support for track from Kato (and Tomix?), Anyrail is also for that a good choice since it supports Kato Unitrack and Unitram and Tomix Finetrack and Wide Tram Track. Basically all track pieces are included, also the new wye-switch. I don't know about that from XTrackCAD.

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I agree Densha,


As an Architect I'm familiar with several different high end CAD packages.  I've tried Xtrack, Wintrack and a few others in a desperate attempt to find an easy-to-use 3D program.  I ended up going back to 2D with AnyRail because it is just so easy to use.  I'm using the fully paid version.  My opinion with boutique software is that if you don't pay for it, it just won't be around when you need it.





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Hi there just thought i`d just add a big OK for Any Rail, i have the full paid version and it really is easy to use. I have seen the Kato Play-Track but all the instuctions to down load were in Japanese and i was totally


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I too have vote for Any Rail. I spent the money and have never looked back. A 3D view would be a nice addition, but with the Tomix library it is exactly what I need to build layouts with my Kato and Tomix track mixed up.



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I vote for Anyrail as well, as others have said it has Kato and Tomix as well as most other brands you can think of, and they keep it up to date.


I think translating Play Track to English would be too much to expect from Kato (in comparison to the relatively simple English labelling and instructions for the track items that sell in the US) for what is really a small market compared to their domestic one, and the share of the English speaking market using the software would only be a fraction again of that buying the track.

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