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Nippon Sharyo receives big train order

bikkuri bahn

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from parent company JR Tokai:


Nippon Sharyo, a major train maker, climbed 1.9 per cent to Y327 – having at one point been as much as 9 per cent higher – after the company received an order for 160 train cars from Central Japan Railway.




The order is for 10 trainsets of the N700a design.  64 cars (4 trainsets) are to be delivered in March of 2013, and the remainder 96 cars (6 trainsets) the next year, also in March.



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I wonder if these will replace any 700* series sets, or just make up for the 300s that are being retired.  Older information on the English wikipedia page mentions 13 sets total.  Regardless, the numbers are impressive: 91 sets of 700 series in service, 99 sets of N700 in service.


* I think they should adhere strictly to the numeric series-subseries designations.  700s were 700s, N700s could have been 720 or something.  Although I guess JR East blew that long ago with their E-everything rolling stock.

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I agree ... almost!  720 would be a car configuration, as per 717, 718, 719, and 723.


And where are the 600 and 900 series?





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