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Question(s) about Tomix Tram Wide Track & 3076/3079


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I'm really new to model railroading so I apologize if I'm asking the wrong way (or in the wrong forum).


I hope to create a N-scale layout following (as closely as possible) the T-TRAK standard.  I'd also like to incorporate some trams/trolleys into my urban area.


For various reasons, I think Tomix Wide Tram Track is the best option to use for the street portions.  I'll use adapters to go between Kato (from T-TRAK requirements) and the Tomix track.  To fit a small loop on a 12-14" deep module -- along with the T-TRAK lines, I'll use the Tomix C103-WT curves.  


A link to my train layout blog kind of shows (hopefully) what I'm talking about (I have a couple of Anyrail images you can click on to see larger): http://www.paperrochester.blogspot.com/2012/01/playing-around-with-memorial-parkway.html


I need to have some paved switches, and I understand that Tomix has a kit 3076 (discontinued?) and 3079 which can be used to cover Tomix switch models 1231 und 1232.


Given all that, I have the following questions...if someone could kindly help with with the following, I'd be very appreciative:


(1) The Tomix 3079 Tram Rail Accessories Kit, how many switches can it be used to "cover"?


(2) Am I correct to understand the Tomix 3079 Tram Rail Accessories Kit will only cover the 1231 and 1232 switches?  Is there a switch that has the same curve as the C103-WT from Tomix that can be covered?  (Since I am relying on the sharp C103-WT curves, a switch with a corresponding curve would be ideal...).


(3) The Tomix 3079 Tram Rail Accessory kit has the smooth finish to match the Tomix wide tram track...right?



Thank you again in advance.  



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Given all that, I have the following questions...if someone could kindly help with with the following, I'd be very appreciative:


(1) The Tomix 3079 Tram Rail Accessories Kit, how many switches can it be used to "cover"?


(2) Am I correct to understand the Tomix 3079 Tram Rail Accessories Kit will only cover the 1231 and 1232 switches?  Is there a switch that has the same curve as the C103-WT from Tomix that can be covered?  (Since I am relying on the sharp C103-WT curves, a switch with a corresponding curve would be ideal...).


(3) The Tomix 3079 Tram Rail Accessory kit has the smooth finish to match the Tomix wide tram track...right?



1. Tomix 3076 or 3079 will cover one C140-30 switch. For two switches you need two boxes.


2. There is no C103 switch.  The tightest is the C140-30 1231 or 1232 electric or C140-30 manual only found in the Tomix 91082 set.


3. Yes, but remember pavement surfaces often vary on large tram systems.


Tomix 3076 is available from Plaza Japan on eBay.  Some dealers may only stock one or the other. Tomix 3076 shows as short stock on the Tomix web site, but the descriptive link is still there, so once the Japanese corporate year end passes on March 31 I expect it will be restocked.


There`s article and pictures on my blog on Tomix 3076.

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Thank you for the helpful reply.


As a followup question, looking at your link (after having bookmarked it), I see this image:  http://jtrains.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/2008_0721image0296-640.jpg


Out of curiosity, have you ever tried/considered color-matching paint and painting the ties/ballast in the small portion of the switch which don't/can't have plates covering it?  Or might that cause problems with the switch's operation?  Or is that actually closer to what one might see on real tram systems?


Thanks again,


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That's a good idea.  There are places where tram switches are open like that.  On a street traffic would have to be routed around them. But if it is camouflaged on a module it may not be noticeable. Others have tried covering the opening and have had operating problems afterward.  


Right now I don`t use switches on my tram layout.  I'm waiting for a one piece switch from Tomix.  That may or may not happen, but I'll wait.


You will also find Rich Kerr`s Tomix Easy Trolley Modelers web site useful.  There also is a Yahoo Tomix group.

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