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Request for a test


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Hi all,


I would like to request a five minute test from anyone in the list who has any piece of Bachmann British N scale (Graham Farish) freight stock and a Tetsudo Collection interurban at hand - could you please check if the GF wheelsets would fit onto the the Tomytec trucks? GF makes spoked wheels which I would like to fit to my Tomytec freight cars but before shelling off money I would like to know if they are really a match. I know that ordinary Bachmann wheelsets fit onto Kato trucks.


Cheers NB

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Can't help with the items in question but there are these available as  alternative spoked wheels http://www.gaugemaster.com/item_details.asp?code=PENR-101&style=&strType=&Mcode=Peco%20NR-101

You may be able to get them from a Peco dealer.





Thanks keiman, however I'm insisting on the GF/Bachmann wheels because they are metal - I'm trying to get rid of the plastic Tomytec wheels as the pick up (and spread) dirt at the least provocation. Switching to more plastic is not in the cards.


Cheers NB

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Hi Nick,


I don't have any Farish freight wagons, but some time ago I measured a bunch of N-gauge wheelsets, including Farish carriage wheelsets, with a micrometer. My observation was that Farish axlesets are far larger than any other manufacturer's, in axle length and wheel diameter. Here's relevant info I have (all in inches):


Farish BR Mk 3: axle length 0.598, wheeltread diameter 0.250

Farish BR Mk 4: axle length 0.595, wheeltread diameter 0.249

Farish by Bachmann coach axleset: axle length 0.599, wheeltread diameter 0.248

(I replaced my original silver wheels on my IC125 and IC225 coaches with the newer blackened, smaller-flange ones from Farish and Farish by Bachmann, which are interchangeable.)


Tomix TT-03 metal axleset for Tomytec: axle length 0.565, wheeltread diameter 0.220


Fox Valley Models 3602 axleset: axle length 0.560, wheeltread diameter 0.223 (0.225=scale 36" wheel at 1:160)


Doesn't look good for using Farish spoked axlesets on a Tomytec wagon, but I hope this helps!


Rich K.

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Hi Nick,


I don't have any Farish freight wagons, but some time ago I measured a bunch of N-gauge wheelsets, including Farish carriage wheelsets, with a micrometer. My observation was that Farish axlesets are far larger than any other manufacturer's, in axle length and wheel diameter. Here's relevant info I have (all in inches):


Farish BR Mk 3: axle length 0.598, wheeltread diameter 0.250

Farish BR Mk 4: axle length 0.595, wheeltread diameter 0.249

Farish by Bachmann coach axleset: axle length 0.599, wheeltread diameter 0.248

(I replaced my original silver wheels on my IC125 and IC225 coaches with the newer blackened, smaller-flange ones from Farish and Farish by Bachmann, which are interchangeable.)


Tomix TT-03 metal axleset for Tomytec: axle length 0.565, wheeltread diameter 0.220


Fox Valley Models 3602 axleset: axle length 0.560, wheeltread diameter 0.223 (0.225=scale 36" wheel at 1:160)


Doesn't look good for using Farish spoked axlesets on a Tomytec wagon, but I hope this helps!


Rich K.



Thanks Rich, most helpful. I think I'll have to try out for myself. At a pinch I could machine the wheelsets to fit. I still have to check if there is something of the sort in Japan.



Abs NB

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