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What do you hope to see in 2012?


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On the KatoModels.com one page they used the E5 as the dragon for the New Year in a short animated image. Click your mouse to see each frame if it doesn't loop.


I'd like Kato to continue to incorporate DCC into the re-releases and new releases.


Just keep designing great products.

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I hope to see.... 22-12-2012  :grin

maybe with a better exchange rate or a reduced new items every month, it's really hard to continue to buy like in the past.. maybe in the meantime we see EU bankrupcy so I'm sure my collection will ended or I ask political asylum to Australia or New Zealand (me and a 40feet container with my trains so we can play all togheter)






I'll let YOU in Massimo, but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to confiscate that container and share it with the other Aussies here.






OK.. New Zealand is better  :grin I'm going to play trains with Angus, maybe I bring the container inside Zion park in the center of tigers box


haere ra



But us Auusies would be happy to have you around here. Honestly we would :)

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Martijn Meerts

I hope to see my layout getting off the ground, or at least get my storage yard all finished up so I can run trains and start my "DCC-ify all trains" project :)



I also hope to finally see Japan first-hand =)

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While I would like to see a 50000% increase in this, I know damn well it won't so I'd expect the number of female Japanese train fans on this forum to remain at zero.

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While I would like to see a 50000% increase in this, I know damn well it won't so I'd expect the number of female Japanese train fans on this forum to remain at zero.

I think I've once seen a profile on this forum with 'female' in it though.

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