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What do you hope to see in 2012?


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With only a few days to go for the end of 2011, so what are people hoping to see for 2012 looking at Rail Modelling?


I would like to see more of rural and private trains to come out as models for 2012.

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It looks like we will see price increases.  I reserved a Bandai Power Unit 4 at 2125 Yen and now that its in stock its 2250 Yen for those who didn't reserve. Its not what I want to see, though.   :cheesy

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It looks like we will see price increases.  I reserved a Bandai Power Unit 4 at 2125 Yen and now that its in stock its 2250 Yen for those who didn't reserve. Its not what I want to see, though.   :cheesy




i think this is just the HS preorder pricing they do now that they have reduced their "in stock" discount earlier this year. they still give a pre-order bonus discount, which is nice... when they went to the full 20% off there for a while they pretty much stopped pre-order extra discounts. hw usually kept them so i did most of my pre-ordering thru hw at the time.



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Kato to continue increasing the range of Unitrack (including Unitram track).


Ditto, ditto, ditto...


Modemo doing Fukui rolling stock...including those lovely 200 Series articulateds...


Cheers NB

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The Imperial Train would be a nice model indeed.

But I'm dying of impatience waiting for an SBB ICN in N scale! Preferably from Kato (Lemke, Hobbytrain).


Oh, and I'd like a job, so I could buy all those things!  :grin

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I'd love to see a few proper post 1976 (1000 Sub-type introduction) mixed 0系 Shinkansen sets. Kato made a good effort at a representative Nh Hikari set, including three well modelled 1000番台 cars but their set lacks the 0番台 cars to complete it (every NH set had at least 2 0番台 cars in addition to a mix of 1000番台 and 2000番台 cars, full 2000番台 sets didn't exist until JR west formed 12 car "West Hikari" Set SK10, and even that remained the lonely full 2000番台(technicly a 2000/7000番台 mix) untill the 6 Car R sets where reformed with surplus "West Hikari" 5000番台 and 7000番台 (former 1000番台 and 2000番台) from 2000 onwards). Tomix didn't even take the effort, so it seems, to produce anything other then 2000番台 for their 16 car Yk Kodama  sets(the latest 16 car sets, their 7000番台 Sk and R sets are fine though AFAIK). Micro-Ace of course, produces only full 0番台 sets, which while they are incredibly accurate, aren't suitable for any operations past +/-1977~1978 (dependend on the set).


so with this in mind I would love to see the following:


0系 Shinkansen:


- A full 1000番台 N Set (Hikari). set N97~N99

- A mixed 0/1000/2000番台 Hikari set, with JR West set Nh32 as the best option (in service untill 1999, even though only as charter in it's last years)

- A propper Yk set, including mixed 1000/2000番台 cars


that would be my greatest wish for 2012 (or 2013, 2014 etc), a bit much, but a man can dream, can't he :cool:.


further, and likely more realistic, I would love to see a re-run of the following items:


- Kato 200系 Shinkansen 12 car set (if possible with their new coupler system, instead of the rapido couplers)

- Kato E2系0番台 Shinkansen 8 car set.

- Tomix 0系7000番台 JR West Kodama color scheme.




- 200系 Shinkansen K set, before the renewal, both in 8 car (pre 1997) and 10 car (post 1997) sets (K1~K11 prefferably)

- 200系 Shinkansen G set in late 80's early 90's formation

- 200系 Shinkansen F set with 200系1000/1500番台 cars as they appeared in their last years.

- 200系 Shinkansen prototype, or the later East Dr Yellow.

- A Kato 200系 Renewaled K Set (Yes I'm aware MicroAce made them as well (as well as a new set next year)).


So thats my (quite extensive) list, of which, in reality, nothing will probbebly come from :cheesy.



*番台= Sub Type, I used the Kanji, as the sentences weren't really flowing well with 'sub-type' every odd word.

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Hobby Dreamer

Peace on Earth, Goodwill towards Men..






















... and some Kato switches, 2-lane traffic track, individual track pieces..








.. and that everyone here has good health!!  And playtime!!





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Here's what I'd like to see:

1. E6

2. E1 in original colours

3. More Kato metro series: perhaps the 15000, 08 and 03 series

4. Kato to have the guts to do start making models with opening doors and upgrade their decoders to add the necessary functions

5. People as passenger sets ... ie: people ready to install inside the carriage with legs for centre facing seats and legless for end facing seats.





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I hope to see.... 22-12-2012  :grin

maybe with a better exchange rate or a reduced new items every month, it's really hard to continue to buy like in the past.. maybe in the meantime we see EU bankrupcy so I'm sure my collection will ended or I ask political asylum to Australia or New Zealand (me and a 40feet container with my trains so we can play all togheter)




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I hope to see.... 22-12-2012  :grin

maybe with a better exchange rate or a reduced new items every month, it's really hard to continue to buy like in the past.. maybe in the meantime we see EU bankrupcy so I'm sure my collection will ended or I ask political asylum to Australia or New Zealand (me and a 40feet container with my trains so we can play all togheter)






I'll let YOU in Massimo, but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to confiscate that container and share it with the other Aussies here.





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I hope to see.... 22-12-2012  :grin

maybe with a better exchange rate or a reduced new items every month, it's really hard to continue to buy like in the past.. maybe in the meantime we see EU bankrupcy so I'm sure my collection will ended or I ask political asylum to Australia or New Zealand (me and a 40feet container with my trains so we can play all togheter)






I'll let YOU in Massimo, but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to confiscate that container and share it with the other Aussies here.






OK.. New Zealand is better  :grin I'm going to play trains with Angus, maybe I bring the container inside Zion park in the center of tigers box


haere ra


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I hope to see.... 22-12-2012  :grin

maybe with a better exchange rate or a reduced new items every month, it's really hard to continue to buy like in the past.. maybe in the meantime we see EU bankrupcy so I'm sure my collection will ended or I ask political asylum to Australia or New Zealand (me and a 40feet container with my trains so we can play all togheter)






I'll let YOU in Massimo, but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to confiscate that container and share it with the other Aussies here.






OK.. New Zealand is better  :grin I'm going to play trains with Angus, maybe I bring the container inside Zion park in the center of tigers box


haere ra


Do you want this to happen to you container of trains? http://photoblog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/10/13/8303911-container-ship-in-danger-of-breaking-up-off-the-new-zealand-coast

Bring them to Australia, we'll look after them. :grin

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OK.. New Zealand is better  :grin


Hmm, have I mentioned already that my wife's sister lives in New-Zealand and if I ask her she would be happy to wait for that container?  :grin

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