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I know what I want for Christmas!

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I have often dreamed of the garden shinkensen rr in the backyard! Figured a raised viaduct for most of it to help keep the leaves off and the dog leaving presents on the tracks. Thinking a wood viaduct could have pretty easy slots routed into it to lay track into. Figured a 700 series would be the easiest to scratch build. There is almost a 1/4 th acre in the back yard so it could have quite a run! Could even extend into the front yard. Maybe some day out in retirement...



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Is that 7 1/2 Gauge?  We're building a 7 1/2 track around the train museum.


If I wasn't so quick on the iPhone with ebay.de I would have found an ICE-T under my tree.  I gave my girlfriend the missing car numbers for her to give to her Aunt in Belgium. Hmmm. Maybe I'll just ask for a Kato Euromed TGV, lighted.

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