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Existing Gallery

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There are wonderful photos in the gallery section. But when I click on them to see it full size. It tells me that it is not able to do so. Why is that ? Is it me ?


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Darren Jeffries

As a temporary fix... replace all instances of ; with & in the address bar


this will make it work until we fix it permanantly.

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Martijn Meerts

For a more technical explanation, the web server is running an add-on that checks for possible SQL injection strings. SQL injection is a technique one can use to for example get access to the admin section of a forum, or to save a lot of messed up data to the database.


The gallery uses ";id=xx" to figure out which image to show. However, the add-on preventing SQL injection sees ";id" as a possible SQL injection string, and therefore won't allow that.


I have fixed it by replacing ";id=xx" with "&id=xx", which seems to have done the trick. I'm not sure if I got all instances updated though, so if you do come across another problem, please leave a not in this thread, and I'll try to get it fixed ;)

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The theme I was on wouldn't even give a gallery option (Eternal Rose) so I switched back to default. But I still can't get to the gallery. I get an error "YOU ARE NOT ALLOWS TO VIEW THE GALLERY"



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The theme I was on wouldn't even give a gallery option (Eternal Rose) so I switched back to default. But I still can't get to the gallery. I get an error "YOU ARE NOT ALLOWS TO VIEW THE GALLERY"


The way the templating system for this software works is pretty bad: Each template has to be modified to include links to plugin content like the gallery. And so some templates don't support that plugin. Which is a problem, but a small one. If you really like the Eternal Rose template, we can modify it for you.


But, the error: That's a problem! What did you do, Martijn? :P

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Martijn Meerts

I used my own custom super-de-luxe hikari theme ™ ;)


It's based on the default though, so the default should work.

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Martijn Meerts

The problem seems to have been a group permissions setting. Tetsudo staff group didn't have permission to view the gallery, fixed it now (I think)

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