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Can anyone translate a manual?

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My room mate has been yelling, cursing and swearing at this stupid Japanese import Gundam game for two weeks. I haven't been able to score with Kaylene since cause he's constantly obsessed with this game. I can't go off on Brendan cause I'll never get that last batch of Tomytec trees assembled. (He's a master modeler, so I make him deal with those bloody trees) Anycase, I have my own stress trying to figure out my import of A6 for the PS2 than to try and figure out how to read kanji.


I scanned in the main contents of the manual. All Brendan needs is a gist of what the menu system is. Any help would be great.


(PM me, so I can forward the manual via JPG)

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PS2, Jpn. I assume he tried that already, but I wouldn't bet the jeep on it either. I'm not sure what he has tried. Qurtyaardvark is looking at the manual and I hope to hear from him soon.

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Sorry for the long time without communication~ I hope to finish by the end of this weekend. Its a lot of Japanese to sort through (10 pages in Word!), but feel better knowing that by Monday, you won't be hearing any more language-barrier related screaming. ^_^

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Awesome !! I know Brendan will be pleased. Now, I have to sneak in to his room and hit his cracked PS2 so I can try my A6 import (A-train 6)

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