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Old Fujifilm commercials

bikkuri bahn

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bikkuri bahn

I came across these old television commercials when looking for some railway material.  Idol Yoko Minamino made a series of commercials in the late eighties for Fujifilm, and when they aired, set many a teenage boys hearts aflutter (including yours truly who saw them on UHF Japanese TV way back).  The combination with Hideaki Tokunaga's song kagayakinagara with Nanno's facial expressions still works magic for this now middle aged guy...


*there is a better longer version of this, unfortunately not available as a single clip


*poor quality clip, but seeing her come around the corner, well, I surrender... :love10:

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They've come a long way, yes? Nobuyoshi Araki would be proud.


PS: It was confirmed to be authentic after major discussions over on the X100 Forum #Fujiguys and on RFf, by FujiFilm. It was create to air in HK and certai areas of Japan, though I haven't heard any confrontation from any of my Japanese photographer friends as to when it aired.

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bikkuri bahn

It's an ad for a high end RF camera for well-heeled advanced amateurs and pros looking for a second or compact camera (less obvious when shooting those sensitive scenes), so the target market is completely different of course.  If it aired in Japan, it would have been after 11pm or so, given the content, but who knows? The market is relatively small for this product, it may not have aired at all- most potential customers prob. knew about it from Photokina or the mags.  It's interesting, most camera commercials nowadays (including lower end SLRs*) are aimed at younger women customers.  This commercial is definitely not aimed at them!


*example, Canon's lower-end SLR, the Eos 450(?) is called the "Kiss" in Japan, but in the US, the much more embarrassment-free (for men) "Rebel".

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I would not call the X100 a high-end RF. It has no RF ^_^ (I wouldn't go so far as to call the R-D1 a high-end one either though it does have an RF, it is hardly high-end)


There are debates on RFF and the X100 forum if is is a large sensor compact or if it should be referred to as a mirror-less. (which to me makes no sense cause mirror-less refers to interchangeability of the lens) Trust me, I am an early adopter of the X100.


I placed my pre-order the day FujiFilm officially announced it. I have shot with mine daily for three months straight now. It has displaced my D2/D3 series pro-SLR for general shooting, and even then some of my newspaper work.


FujiFilm has clearly targeting the Leica X1 crowd. Some folks have talked about shelving their M9's for this camera. I'm not sure I would shelf an M9 for my X100, but the it does have much better low light and high ISO IQ performance than the M9. (or my D3 for that matter)

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*poor quality clip, but seeing her come around the corner, well, I surrender... :love10:


I hear you bikkuri ... I was in highschool in Japan in the mid '80's, surrounded by girls who looked just like that ... and I was the only Gaijin for miles ... what a field day that was!





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