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Shin-Shimbashi (Trackplan N Gauge)


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Not sure if this is the right forum for this, but here goes anyway.


I'm planning on building a freelanced N gauge railroad, in a fictional Japanese city based around Tokyo's Shimbashi station.

The station will be a terminus, and will handle the following train types:


Track 1 and 2: +/-190cm, will handle an of now un-named Commuter line, as well as a few rapid services.

Track 3 and 4: +/-230cm will handle rapid service, and (limited) Limited-Express services

Track 5 till 8: +/-230cm will Handle Shinkansen, and are located somewhat higher then the other tracks, like at Tokyo Central Station


Minimum radius: 348mm on conventional section, 381mm (vissible section,348mm in staging) on the Shinkansen section.


track will be Kato Unitrack, layout dimensions: 340X210cm.


When I build this layout it will be sectional, as I don't have the space for a permanent layout at this point.


Era/Location will be +/- 2005 as this allows me the most flexibilty in rolling stock, especially for the Shinkansen (all 200系 variants, 400系, E1系, E2系 and E4系), as well as some of the former JNR types on the conventional lines.


Anyway, I posted this trackplan to see if could get some feedback and wether or not I have made a mistake, improvements are possible etc.





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230 cm!!!!!!! OMG!!!! A really long shinkansen with all the available extension cars.......


I like it a lot. If I had space this would be a perfect extension for my future layout.

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Looks like a great project, but wouldn't the operating the layout become a bit tedious after a while? I mean no harm, but it seems like a bit of a boring track plan to me. The only things once can do is drive in and out of the station. No parade run where you can show off the full glory of the trains or so.


You could go for a double-decker layout with an interesting landscape on the second level (to show off your trains), but that would require an extra loop at the other end. If you have any spare room for a second loop at the other end, I can certainly recommend it! Otherwise you'll lose the trains under the platform roofs for most of the time.


In German and Dutch model train books it is always written that on every serious big layout a parade run should be available and preferably twice the length of the longest train. Quite a different approach than UK style layouts, but very understandable. Especially when focussing on long trains.

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Martijn Meerts

According to my measurements, which I'm fairly certain are quite correct, most of the 16 car shinkansen are about 250cm long, so they might have problems fitting on your lines..


(I made a track plan of Tokyo Station as well, although a bit more prototypical, and I figured out the shinkansen platforms needed to be about 250cm. Same with the tracks of my hidden/fiddle yard design...)

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Can you please post a diagram of your layout in the located in the space you have for your layout. Or is the gray area in the above pictures the room your layout will be. If it is where are the doors and windows in your room.





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Martijn, 260cm for a 16 car Shinkansen, at least by my calculations (26/160X100X16).

However that isn't a problem for me, even though I'd love a full car Shinkansen train, 230cm still allows for 14 cars, and I'm planning on using a max of 12 car trains.

not to mention that JR east, which I'm going to model, also has quite a few shorter contests in service (200系 K sets are 10 cars by example, 400系 6 cars, E4系 8 cars etc).

My staging area tracks are a few cm's longer then the platforms, so this shouldn't prove to be a problem either


Looks like a great project' date=' but wouldn't the operating the layout become a bit tedious after a while? I mean no harm, but it seems like a bit of a boring track plan to me. The only things once can do is drive in and out of the station. No parade run where you can show off the full glory of the trains or so.[/quote']


True, a layout like this does have it's downsides, and I'm well aware of them. the fun in a layout for me isn't as much the driving (well part of it is) as it is setting up the operational timetable, scheduling the trains as realistic as possible etc, I also want to keep it simple, as I won't be using any automation (though I am going to use DCC to allow for multi train operations.


Can you please post a diagram of your layout in the located in the space you have for your layout. Or is the gray area in the above pictures the room your layout will be. If it is where are the doors and windows in your room.


Pretty much, the door is on the lower left corner, there is about 1m of space between the layout and the door. I'm also going to build it sectional, so the idea is that the station section will be stored out of the way when not used.  

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Hi 200,

Yes you are in the right forum for posting your track plan.


I have a couple of questions:

1) in your plan you have a lot of hidden track, will it be easy to access if a train derails?

2) For your layout, will you have others operating the layout.....(club sessions) Having time tables for each operator knowing when their train has to leave the station.

3) I still like the option of continuous running on a main line....if friends come to your home they can see your layout in action. I was wondering if there is a way to bypass the stations if you want to have this option.

4) One special note....take a look at the tunnel portals inobu is designing.....they would look great on a new layout!


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1) It should be, the hidden sections are intended to run behind a backdrop instead of a tunnel, so acces shouldn't pose a problem.

2) It wasn't my intention, but it would certainly be possible.

3) you are right, and I am looking at redesigning the 1067mm section, however I keep running into some space and realism constrains.

4) thank you, will take a look. :)


Thanks again for all the replies! And like I said, I am redesigning the conventional section (I'm content with the Shinkansen section, so that one wont be changed) however I'm trying to avoid obvious unrealistic sections (track curving for no reasson, "Spaggeti" trackwork, sharp curves etc) and this proves to be more difficult then I imagined.


thanks again!



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