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Upcoming summer- sweltering train interiors??

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bikkuri bahn

This is one reason why I prefer the old JNR EMU designs (113/115 series), plus Hokkaido's own 711 series- you can open the windows and let the glorious breeze cool you!


Long hot summer on track

Fears of unbearable heat this summer for train commuters in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area are mounting for two reasons: (1) Electric power shortages triggered by the accidents at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power station may force East Japan Railway Co. (JR East), the major operator of commuter trains, to suspend the use of air conditioners; and (2) with the train cars now in use, windows can be opened only partially to let in fresh air even when the air conditioning is off.


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I can NOT imagine August without AC in Tokyo trains. They are going to have to put medical crews on standby to deal with heat related disorders if they do this. It WILL kill people. It is bad enough on the Yamanote sen in rush hour already!

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bikkuri bahn

I think JR East would rather reduce train frequency before turning off the aircon (which would be a health hazard as you mention).  I suspect they will just turn down the aircon levels on all cars to at least the level of the "reduced cooling" (弱冷房車) cars now in operation.

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