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Japanese Domestic Transport Statistics

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For those interested in how big the railways share of travel and freight is in Japan here is a link to the Domestic Transport pages from The Statistical Handbook of Japan 2010.  These pages are available as HTM or PDF file.


Railways have 29.0%  of passenger traffic in 2008 down from 29.8% in 1990 (in billion passenger Km.) and less than 5% of freight traffic (in billion-ton-Km.), about the same as 1990.


"The Statistical Handbook of Japan 2010 (SHJ) is designed to provide a clear and coherent overview of present-day Japan through statistics. It provides statistical tables, figures, maps, and photographs to portray conditions in modern-day Japan from a variety of perspectives, including demographics, economic and social trends, and culture. Most of the comments and statistical data for this purpose have been drawn from principal statistical publications available from government and other leading sources. The SHJ is published annually in August or September."




But for most of you I assume this is too dry and boring.  :grin

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