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7.1 Earthquake hits Tohoku Area Again But Not to Worry


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Japanese scale only goes up to 7; they said it was a "6+" on that scale.


It was a 7.4... 7.1 may have been an earlier estimate.  Pretty major earthquake, but doesn't seem to have done a huge amount of damage.

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Wow ... lucky there was no tsunami.  Also, I didn't know the Richter scale was still used.  I thought the world had agreed to use the Moment Magnitude Scale when I was a kid.  I seem to remember doing a project on this at school.  Can anyone confirm or should I go back to school?





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Wow ... lucky there was no tsunami.  Also, I didn't know the Richter scale was still used.  I thought the world had agreed to use the Moment Magnitude Scale when I was a kid.  I seem to remember doing a project on this at school.  Can anyone confirm or should I go back to school?



I'm pretty sure you're correct, but don't the two scales give almost the same values?

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I just saw a report on BBC World.  They report a magnitude of M7.4 - the "M" indicates the "Moment Magnitude Scale" is being used.  From memory, yes, the Richter scale is quite similar - a little lower I think.

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bikkuri bahn

Like Gmat, I felt it too up here in Hokkaido (while posting here actually).  I could tell it was a pretty big one, closest in strength to the 3.11 temblor of all the aftershocks so far.

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I just saw a report listing 2 dead and 130 injured.

They reported on ABC radio here in Brisbane that one of the dead was believed to be someone on life support in hospital when power was lost.

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I just saw a report listing 2 dead and 130 injured.


NHK is reporting 3 dead now. (It almost feels silly to say that considering how many are still being added to the tsunami death toll every day.)


More plants got knocked off line, notably factories belonging to Sony and Nikon that had just gotten going again after the last quake.

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