gmat Posted September 2, 2011 Author Share Posted September 2, 2011 from the StarAvertiser: Bombardier Transportation; Unsuccessful rail bidder seeks reconsideration. Rail board to consider Bunda to fill 10th seat From Former Lawmaker Bunda Picked For Transit Board From Yes2rail: Op Ed on the Aug.21 commentary by the anti-rail group. More Anti-Railer Obfuscation on TheBus vs Train; Where’s Credibility after the Misrepresentations? The Honolulu City Beat article quoted above: Rail Foes Decry 'Hatchet Job' Fact Checks - Part 1 FACT CHECK — Rail Opponents: City Has Yet To Identify 10,000 Promised Jobs From Pacific Business News: Elevated rail project leads Oahu in wrong direction From PBN biz blog Honolulu rail transit project takes some hits From the anti-rail news: Best wishes, Grant Link to comment
gmat Posted September 4, 2011 Author Share Posted September 4, 2011 I hate to depend on a Pro-rail site for news. From Yes2rail; Quartet Gets Defensive after Critics Find Too Many False Notes in Material and Mayor Blasts Anti-Railers for ‘Misleading’ Public; Critic Calls Civil Beat’s Fact Check a ‘Hatchet Job’ Best wishes, Grant Link to comment
bikkuri bahn Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 Quote I hate to depend on a Pro-rail site for news. But you cannot really depend on any one source- the anti-rail forces are often ideologically motivated, but mask their arguments in a cloak of "fiscal responsibility" (their pet term is "boondoggle"), while the newspaper reports, often penned by reporters who can't differentiate between a steam locomotive and an LRV ("they're all choo-choos"), should just report the facts, but are often influenced by the biases of their editorial staff, or more likely, the biases of their conglomerate owners, who tend to be conservative. IMO, the best sites for news and perspective are independent blogs focusing on transport, who by their nature tend to be pro-rail, but any tendencies towards cheerleading and ideological bent are tempered by the engineering/technical knowledge the contributors often possess (these individuals are termed "technicals" by transport/urbanist blogger Alon Levy). Link to comment
Mudkip Orange Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 Having sparred extensively with Alon under a different pseudonym, I have mad respect for the guy. Yonah Freemark at The Transport Politic is another that's always worth reading. Link to comment
gmat Posted September 25, 2011 Author Share Posted September 25, 2011 Not much today; Anti-rail speakers appeared on the local Hawaii PBS radio station, causing a number of articles in response in Yes2rail. This is the last entry. Show’s Transcript Reveals Motivations: Opponents Want Faster Motoring, Not Faster Public Transit Best wishes, Grant Link to comment
gmat Posted October 17, 2011 Author Share Posted October 17, 2011 From Pacific Business News: Bombardier files new appeal of Honolulu rail contract Latest Honolulu rail cost projection is $143M less Honolulu rail plans 232 archaeological digs From the Examiner, using local reporting: Honolulu Rail Transit, What say you? Some recent news at Yes2rail: From Honolulu RailTransit, Latest news updates: The StarAdvertiser had some recent news, but you have to pay to get access. From the other side: Best wishes, Grant Link to comment
gmat Posted October 23, 2011 Author Share Posted October 23, 2011 Recent news: Rail contractor Ansaldo settles state licensing complaints Honolulu Rail Won't Improve Traffic, Council Member Admits Honolulu Rail Opponents Have No Case, Feds Say Rail At The Airport: Investigation In 3 Parts Grant Link to comment
bikkuri bahn Posted October 23, 2011 Share Posted October 23, 2011 Parsons Brinckerhoff + Ansaldo= not a good combination in some people's eyes. Both have spotty reputations in California. Link to comment
gmat Posted October 24, 2011 Author Share Posted October 24, 2011 City to ask Kalihi, downtown residents about rail Rail map showing the location of the proposed stations. Best wishes, Grant Link to comment
Mudkip Orange Posted October 24, 2011 Share Posted October 24, 2011 What has PB done wrong other than be associated with projects that Republicans and Lowenthal really, really don't like? Link to comment
gmat Posted November 20, 2011 Author Share Posted November 20, 2011 Court fight may decide if rail stays on track Best wishes, Grant Link to comment
bikkuri bahn Posted November 21, 2011 Share Posted November 21, 2011 Questions about the financial health of Ansaldo Breda. It appears its parent company, which is incurring losses, will sell it off: Quote HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - Perhaps the whole thing comes down to honor. The city gave its word when it picked Ansaldo Honolulu Joint Venture and despite pressure the interim executive director isn't breaking his promise. The Honolulu rail board heard testimony from residents and received a new letter from the city council urging a delay in signing the transit's core systems contract. This as Ansaldo Honolulu's parent company Finmeccanica announced a billion dollar loss last quarter and plans to sell off more than a billion dollars in assets. It's also partially owned by the Italian government which is facing default. Link to comment
gmat Posted November 23, 2011 Author Share Posted November 23, 2011 The Outdoor Circle is a long time influential citizen's group who traditionally have tried to preserve the beauty of Hawaii's scenery. They are the reason that Hawaii does not have large billboards. Concerns about cost, service footprint and the selection process have lead to more criticism of the Rail Project. The arguments recently posted by Yes2Rail are not very persuasive, unfortunately. From the other side. Best wishes, Grant Link to comment
to2leo Posted November 24, 2011 Share Posted November 24, 2011 Without reading all the news articles, I thought Hawaii already has a good bus system? Didn't it won some APTA transit award? Also, given the terrain, why don't they just invest into BRT or even fast ferry? Link to comment
gmat Posted November 28, 2011 Author Share Posted November 28, 2011 Some recent Honolulu Rail news: Challenge to Honolulu Rail Project Goes to Federal Court HART Will Delay Ansaldo Contract Ansaldo CEO says company financially solid What Convinced Honolulu Rail Officials That Ansaldo Could Do The Job? HART Panel Quizzes Ansaldo on Firm’s Stability, Finds ‘No Red Flags’ To Block Contract Signing Open Letter to Outdoor Circle Members: Some of You Oppose Rail, but Have You Weighed Impacts vs Benefits? Unless Your Life Is Impacted Daily by Congestion, You Can’t Appreciate Traffic’s Costs Best wishes, Grant Link to comment
gmat Posted November 28, 2011 Author Share Posted November 28, 2011 to2leo, This is in answer to your question about the Bus System on Hawaii, and why it might not easily be expanded to meet the needs of Oahu's traffic problem. Read this first: Honolulu traffic, youtube: Traffic in hawaii really sucks! Photos of the Freeway system on Oahu. Understand that 25 years ago, when I lived on Oahu, it was nothing to see a solid mass of red tail lights on H1 going at high speed downtown leaving the City at 12 midnight. It has gotten much worse since then: Photo of congested H1. Scroll down to the bottom and also read his comments: The problem is getting off the highway system, either downtown or at the western and northern ends of H1 and H2, so even if TheBus has separate bus lanes, (shared with carpool lanes) it still must slow down and wait to exit the highway. Once you try to exit the highways, there are no large roads to easily contain and disperse the flow of traffic coming off the highway. All of the exits lead to stoplights within 100 meters or less with no alternate routes to go around the lights. It is the same with the exits leading off H1 going to West (Kapolei/Waianae)and H2 going Northwest. (Wahiawa/Mililani) here the exits directly lead into subdivisions/residential areas with reduced speed limits. You can sort of get the idea of how geography creates choke points that make adding additional highways expensive and difficult. Relief Maps of Oahu. One thing not brought up is Hawaii can ill afford to build extra highways on its own. The current H1, H2 and H3 were largely funded by the Federal Government to expedite movement between the military bases on Oahu and Pearl Harbor/Hickam AFB to support deployments in emergencies. I believe that the best way to have access to Federal monies is in the current fiscal crisis is a Mass Transit system. Sen. Inouye is the best bet to steer funds Hawaii's way, but he will not remain in Washington forever and if the Republicans gain control of the Senate and White House, can you say Massachusetts under Nixon? Best wishes, Grant Link to comment
gmat Posted November 29, 2011 Author Share Posted November 29, 2011 HART signs rail contract with Ansaldo Honolulu signs rail contract with Italian company Clock Ticking on $510M in Honolulu Rail Funding Best wishes, Grant Link to comment
gmat Posted December 1, 2011 Author Share Posted December 1, 2011 Recent news. Honolulu rail eligible for $510M in federal funding next year Rail Eligible for $510 Million In 2012 Similar information here, but uses granted versus eligible. Federal Funding Granted For Honolulu Rail Transit Project Pro-rail site. New Media’ May Have Its Place, but Don’t Expect To Find ‘Balance’ and ‘Objectivity’ There, too Top Ironic News of the Day: Traffic-Stuck Drivers Hear Radio Host Blast Signing of Rail Contract; What If Honolulu Had a DeeJay Who Liked Rail? Conservative news site. Battle Escalates Over the Future of Honolulu's Proposed Multi Billion Dollar Rail Best wishes, Grant Link to comment
gmat Posted December 5, 2011 Author Share Posted December 5, 2011 Yes2rail has a couple of new articles. Enlarging TheBus Fleet and Making Rides Free Would Do Nothing To ‘Solve’ Congestion Problem'> LTE (letters to the editor) Forum Covers Both Sides of Rail Issue, but Focusing on Opposition Seems More Productive'> More on new LTE feature. Scroll down a bit. From StarAdvertiser. Need to log in/pay to read further. "The city is considering a batch of engineering changes to the $5.17 billion Honolulu rail project, including a proposal to reduce the size of the stations and the length of the trains that would operate on the elevated rail system. Login for more..." Best wishes, Grant Link to comment
Mudkip Orange Posted December 6, 2011 Share Posted December 6, 2011 Quote including a proposal to reduce the size of the stations and the length of the trains that would operate on the elevated rail system. Well gee... that's not shortsighted or anything. Link to comment
gmat Posted December 12, 2011 Author Share Posted December 12, 2011 From StarAdvertiser. You must pay to read the rest. Honor bound A plan to free keep rail stations free of pay barriers is designed for efficiency, but relies on rider honesty and effective enforcement Stop rail to save Oahu's natural beauty HART makes good case for Ansaldo deal Recent news. Yes2Rail Sun. Dec. 11 Friends of the Outdoors, How Big Is Your Circle? Broader Vision in the 21st Century Could Win Friends, Save Human Lives as Well as Trees Fri. Dec. 9 Giving ‘The Tampa Look’ a Second Look; Is This What Environmentalists Say Is Better than Rail? Thurs. Dec. 8 Media Roundup: Congestion, More Lanes on H-1, Rail Maintenance and Tampa’s ‘Aircraft Carrier’ Tues. Dec. 6 HART: Ansaldo Contract Oversight Is Top Priority; LTE Forum: ‘Free’ Bus Service Isn’t Really ‘Free’ Best wishes. Grant Link to comment
gmat Posted January 15, 2012 Author Share Posted January 15, 2012 The news recently has been rather sparse and not promising for the rail project. From the StarAdvertiser, you have to pay to read it; Rail costs low-balled, consultant says. A former Los Angeles transit official also warns that ridership forecasts are too high. From Yes2Rail; Anti-Railers Import ‘Hired Gun’ To Attack Project; Long Anti-Transit History Undermines Credibility From Pacific Business News; Short articles with not much meat. Feds say Honolulu rail plan needs more financial muscle Pacific Resource Partnership seeks to intervene in Honolulu rail lawsuit Honolulu rail board approves $2.79B spending plan The gathers reports from an eclectic range of writers; Some earlier news. From Honolulu Civil Beat; What Convinced Honolulu Rail Officials That Ansaldo Could Do The Job? Best wishes, Grant Link to comment
gmat Posted February 7, 2012 Author Share Posted February 7, 2012 Not much recent News. Former Governor Ben Cayetano, who opposes the rail project is running for Honolulu City Mayor. From the StarAdvertiser; Honolulu given go-ahead to begin heavy construction on rail Older NYT article; After 40-Year Battle, Train May Roll for Oahu From Hawaii Reporter; City Proposes $450 Million Line of Credit for Rail Project; Pritchett's Pen: Honolulu Rail Transit Cattle Car Recent News from; It's final: Traffic congestion will be worse with rail: It's final: Rail would not be more energy efficient than your car: Star Advertiser story — the city learns about change orders for rail: Best wishes, Grant Link to comment
bikkuri bahn Posted February 7, 2012 Share Posted February 7, 2012 God, the ignorance displayed by the anti-rail forces in America. I must lose a few points of IQ just by reading some of their drivel. 1 Link to comment
gmat Posted February 19, 2012 Author Share Posted February 19, 2012 Democrat ex-Governor Ben Cayetano decision to run continues to spark interest. Reminds me of the late ex-Mayor Frank Fasi who ultimately switched to the Republican party. Thanks in part to him mass transport in Hawaii has been stymied since the 70s. Articles from most recent; Saturday, February 18, 2012 Week in Review: Poll Says Rail Support Has Fallen, But Flawed Question, Timing Erode Its Credibility; Call for Serious Transit Discussion Went Nowhere Cayetano Cuts Civil Beat From Campaign Media List From Hawaii Reporter; Poll: Honolulu Rail Support Falls Link to StarAdvertiser article via The Hawaii Reporter; Rail support falls Politics connected to the project; SHOPO endorses Caldwell for Honolulu mayor, expresses concern over rail Same news from the StarAdvertiser; SHOPO endorses Caldwell for mayor From Hawaii News Now; SHOPO endorses Caldwell for Honolulu Mayor A couple from Honolulu Civil Beat on the same topic; SHOPO: Carlisle Didn’t Even Call SHOPO To Endorse Caldwell Today Money approved for the Rail; U.S. Transportation Secretary recommends $250 Million toward Honolulu’s rail project Also from Honolulu Civil Beat. Local political fight could affect disbursement of Federal Funds. FTA Watching Opponents, Wants $250M for Honolulu Rail From Honolulu Civil Beat. Examining statements made by Cayetano; Just How Deep Will Honolulu Rail's Debt Be? From Hawaii Business News on the selection process for top job candidate. Honolulu rail authority mum on top job candidates Interesting op/ed from Honolulu Civil Beat. Some of the comments are also interesting. Time to Get Serious About Rail Conversation Best wishes, Grant Link to comment
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