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Crushed, shattered and addicted


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Well, I am officially crushed and shattered...


After getting my starter kit. I had plans to organize in getting the 3 coach car set to complete my Shinkansen 800 "Tsubame"...


Well, I have just spent the whole day calling any Hobby shops I can think of in Fukuoka. And even tried the Tomix webstore. With no luck....


If anyone has them, and would like to do a swap with something I can get in Japan. Then I will be happy to do so..



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Type hobby store in the forum search function and get the numerous thread that talks about it.


My approach is to contact Hobbyland-pochi (second hand) > Tam Tam > Popondetta (most expensive).

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I've found a number of things via Yahoo!オークション which could not be found elsewhere.  The challenge is usually shipping outside Japan, which is not an issue for you.

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Hi, thanks for that. I went for a look and found a few of the 6 car sets, but that will leave me the original 3 I have now...


I saw both the KATO and Tomix sets, and was wondering if the KATO set would work fine with my Tomix track and controller?

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Thanks guys. I did try Yahoo Auction. And I found both the KATO, and TOMIX 6 piece set.. But as I noted in another thread. That will leave me with the 3 original set that came with my starter pack... Kind of a waste to just have them sitting there, as I simply just want the full set of six for this train...


Also. I was wondering if the KATO set will run ok on the TOMIX starter set and controller....



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Thanks guys. I did try Yahoo Auction. And I found both the KATO, and TOMIX 6 piece set.. But as I noted in another thread. That will leave me with the 3 original set that came with my starter pack... Kind of a waste to just have them sitting there, as I simply just want the full set of six for this train...


Also. I was wondering if the KATO set will run ok on the TOMIX starter set and controller....





Don't give up on the addon set just yet! That's half the fun of our hobby! But yes, of course, any ngauge model will run just beautifully on your tomix track and throttle (speaking as one who has that very throttle and uses tomix track)

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Thanks Capt..


I made a last ditch bid with a local store that is going to try and track down a set of the 3 piece coaches that I need.. So fingers crossed.


If not, then I am resigned to the fact that I might just have to drop the cash for the 6 piece set instead...



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Ok, so I am addicted...


After buying my first Starter set (Tomix 800 Tsubame) last Saturday.


Today I just went and picked up the JR West 500 Nozomi starter 4 piece kit..


I love that Shinkansen also, and I like the look of the Tomix controllers. So it was a win win for me to now have two controllers that match, and another Shinkansen to play with.. The reason I got the Nozomi, was because now days it really isn't a Nozomi and is based out of Hakata Fukuoka here. So it goes with my collecting of local trains..


I have also started buying some Tomix Shinkansen double track that matches what runs locally in my area, and will hopefully be able to start a lay out...


Don't get me wrong. My Tsubame 800 is my baby, as it is a "true" Kyushu Shinkansen. But the JR West Series 500 is a sexy bit of work..


PS: I have been searching the world to no avail to get the Tomix 3 piece coach set (92280)to finish off my Tsubame.. So while in my local store, I noticed that the guy (obviously the manager) of this large store had a working display set on a track in the store.. So I asked one more time if they had any in stock, to which I got the "no" I was expecting..


So, I turned around and set, ok, how much for that one there. I could see it. It was within my grasp, and I was met with a stern "no"... Now I knew this guy is not the owner. He appeared to be the manager, but from my experience the least knowlegable in all hobbies that are sold in that store. So I knew he wasn't a collector.. So I said to him. Ok, you are the store. I am the customer. You have what I want, and I want to buy it.. Again. I get a "no"... Is this guy for real?


Yep. He refused point blank and told me that I was welcome to purchase the KATO 6 piece set that they had in stock, to wich I stated that I only need those 3 pieces over there..


Fair enough I said. I was just about to drop my money for the Nozomi set with his store, but decided to go down stairs to get the same set from Toys R Us for 1000jpy less than what he was charging.. It felt good to give him a wave goodbye as I made b line past his store with new train set in hand! The look on his face was priceless...



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Priceless!  :grin


It never ceases to amaze me how many dealers don't want to sell items of stock they have. Surely this set was just a demo set, and available for purchase...perhaps there was the concern that they would have to let this go as second-hand as it had been very much run-in?


Sure, there are those occasional models that are just for display...these tend to be either very old or on loan to the shop; but these are normally clearly marked as not for sale. If there was a specific reason why he could not sell it, then it would be a case of common courtesy to explain that.


The fact you were able to purchase a set, that he had in stock, from a near-by rival and that he was made aware of that fact makes it all the more satisfying....the rule here is that intransigence will cost you business...a lesson I rather hope would be learned by more than a couple of dealers I have dealt with in the past in the UK!

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Lovely story... I'm amazed by the muteness of the seller. It could have at least gave you a reason.


I thought your second set would have been the Relay Tsubame.

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Thanks guys.. Yes.. The set is sitting there for everyone to see.. The only problem is, if they want it, they cant get it, as it seems to be out of stock from the manufacturer, and this guy just came across as an Ass-Hat... Oh, and he has the6 piece KATO set that he is happy to sell you for double the price also!


Anyways, I will just wait a month or so and try and get the 6 piece Tomix set that I want. I just hope someone will be interested in my 3 piece set, as I would really hate it to sit in a closet... The reason I say this, is because I collect plastic models and Tennis racquets, and have my fair share of stuff that people would love just sitting there in the closet doing nothing!


As for the Relay Tsubame.. Then the whole Kyushu line from Kokura/Hakata will be open soon, so the relay will be a thing of the past.. A trip from northern Kyushu to the South will go from 2 hours to one!.. Cant wait!



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Chris - Wow! A good manager should know what their competitors are selling and at what price. My father knew the prices of what his competitors where selling their wares for.


The other bad thing is that "now you're addicted" (welcome to "How can I pass that train up?!" club) the manager should have realized the potential of a good and reliable customer. The bad experience could put a costumer off from purchasing at that store.


We have "Toys R Us" in the USA (or at least we did before the recession :dontknow:) but none of them stock quality train sets like Kato or Tomix. Is this the same type of store that we have in the USA? 

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I passed by a few Toys R us stores while I was travelling around Japan, I didn't think to check them out for trains.


The guy in your story doesn't sound like any Japanese shopkeeper I've ever dealt with but I guess his type exist everywhere. :sad:

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I had the a similar experience at Tam Tam in Akihabara but I managed to find the store manager who was kind enough to take the Kato E4 off display and sold it to me for 30% off MSRP.


Again I will try to find your set in second hand store.  It might be available at 40-70% mark down.

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This conversation seems to now span several threads…mods, could we look into consolidating them?



Anyway, I was just looking at this page:


and noticed that the complete 6-car set is numbered differently than the two three-car sets. And I'm sure the Kato set has a different numbering still. So, if you do go for one of the complete sets, don't toss the three-car set! Hold out for the expansion to re-enter manufacturing (see below), since it won't technically be duplicated by the second purchase!



I also see that none of the sets have been discontinued, although none are slated for manufacturing in the next three months :( So if you can find the complete 6-car set, and you really want it, grab it, or be prepared to wait it out anyway.


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This conversation seems to now span several threads…mods, could we look into consolidating them?


That has been done. You know that you have yourself powere to perform such wonders. ;)

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I passed by a few Toys R us stores while I was travelling around Japan, I didn't think to check them out for trains.


The guy in your story doesn't sound like any Japanese shopkeeper I've ever dealt with but I guess his type exist everywhere. :sad:


No disrespect, but coming for a holiday and living here for over 10 years are two different things..


When on a holiday, you are enjoying your experience, and the lack of language allows you to miss things normally you would pick up on, and everything feels peachy..


After ten years and having to live through it day by day. I have had my fair share of rude and obnoxious Japanese shop keepers and salesmen. I have also had some good ones too. But to be fair. The system in Japan is very different than in the US (I used to live in the US) and Australia..


In the west we are used to getting what we want. And we are used to businesses wanting our custom.. Japan is very different. Price is the price, and they are not allowed to stray from it.. I can not tell you how many times I have gone to a different store to buy a computer or TV simply because the store wasn't willing to compromise.. It is very un-Japanese, but again, I am not Japanese (my wife is) So I will try the Jedi mind tricks to get stuff cheaper!


In one instance when I bought my latest tv. I was about to spend over $2000 in this guys store. Yet, he wasn't prepared to give me free shipping to my house.. Well. Lets just say. he allowed me to walk away with my money and go to a competitor!

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Price is the price, and they are not allowed to stray from it.. I can not tell you how many times I have gone to a different store to buy a computer or TV simply because the store wasn't willing to compromise..


Chris, then again, your experience is just one of many, and cannot be deemed representative of the norm.  I have been living in Japan 14+ years, in addition to have been a frequent visitor all my life due to family connections, and I have had different experiences.  Yes, "price is price" in general, but not always (in Japan as any other country).  It depends on the store, nearby competitors, and the business climate.  Here in Sapporo, the big electronics stores are willing to negotiate on price, and sweeten the deal with extras if needed to close the deal.  You can't expect deep discounts, but neither are the posted prices set in stone(that's why many MSRP are not stated, but just designated "open").  Anyway, like you did, people are free to walk away from the deal if they are not satisfied, and in fact many Japanese do this- it's not a "western" characteristic.

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It also might depend on your relationship with the store. I was at a local hobby shop and a friend whose photos are sometimes on the boxes of certain model companies hailed me. We talked a bit and when we went to the sales counter, the owner who also knew him gave him a discount and did the same for me. The next time I went, there was no discount, but I didn't begrudge the store. Except for the son who for a while started watching me, the older couple are friendly and when I can, I will shop there. It's a 35 minute cycle to get there. Another shop about 50 minutes by bike gives me a discount on Hasegawa kits. I don't think that I'm treated any different from most other customers. I've been coming to that store infrequently for nearly 30 years and he knows the effort that I make to visit the shop.

One thing, in a small world like hobby shops, is that is doesn't take much for a reputation to spread, by word of mouth, via customers, deservedly or not. As foreigners, we tend to stand out and it only takes a few words to color someone against you.

Sorry, not intending to be negative on you. Glad that you got a better deal.

Best wishes,


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I had the a similar experience at Tam Tam in Akihabara but I managed to find the store manager who was kind enough to take the Kato E4 off display and sold it to me for 30% off MSRP.


Again I will try to find your set in second hand store.  It might be available at 40-70% mark down.



Thanks mate. Appreciate the help!


Guys, I am not bitching about the Japanese shopping experience. Simply just this one guy that although having been explained to that the item he has is no longer in production, simply being difficult in my mind for no other reason than he can... He has no reason to have this item on display as it is discontinued, and it could go to a home that it would create joy and entertainment (my house!) I just feel that in order to make a sale, and keep a (regular) customer happy. This guy just wasn't interested...


Today, I went back in and spent 5,000JPY odd and when he approached me at the counter, I moved across to the young girl working instead.. I also got a 500JPY discount from her, because I have spent over 10,000LPY in the last 2 visits... I am just putting him down as an Ass-Hat, and the rest of the staff are great. The girl wanted to give me the set the other day. But this old guy talked over her...

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Because of you ... yes, I'm blaming YOU ... I was forced to order a complete JR West Shinkansen 500 Nozomi today, Kato 10-510, 511, 512.  My wife asked me why and told her it is all your fault.  I know we don't know each other and nothing personal mate but your post on the 500 sent me browsing through the Hobby Search website.  They didn't have all product in stock so I found what I needed on eBay.  One hot and sexy looking train, the 500.  One look at it and I was in lerve.


Can't wait for it to arrive.  Thanks to the strengthening Aussie dollar I got it for a song.





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Because of you ... yes, I'm blaming YOU ... I was forced to order a complete JR West Shinkansen 500 Nozomi today, Kato 10-510, 511, 512.  My wife asked me why and told her it is all your fault.  I know we don't know each other and nothing personal mate but your post on the 500 sent me browsing through the Hobby Search website.  They didn't have all product in stock so I found what I needed on eBay.  One hot and sexy looking train, the 500.  One look at it and I was in lerve.


Can't wait for it to arrive.  Thanks to the strengthening Aussie dollar I got it for a song.






Ha ha, no problems mate.. But the actual Nozomi doesn't exist anymore. It is now based out of here in Fukuoka (Hakata) and only goes between Hakata and Osaka.. I think the Nozomi was the Tokyo/ Osaka train... I bought the starter set for my daughter, and will get the Tomix 92307 4 piece add on set to make it an 8 car express.. I told my daughter as it is not the Nozomi anymore, she could rename it. And so she calls it "Chie" (Chi-eh) as it means strong....


But if you want to do it justice in the coolness and looks department. I have set up a small (for now) Shinkansen set with some add on electricity lines, and she looks great going through on it...! I plan on a massive Shinkansen set eventually for my two Shinkansen sets to run on, but for now, I am just experimenting with a small set on the table...





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