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How do you de-glue two pieces of wood?

Mudkip Orange

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I've just performed some surgery on Mudkip Dentetsu, cutting the module down from 42" to 37.5" so it'll fit in a certain space in my apartment. Problemo is, I need to remove some of the side fascia, which in this case is a 1x4 glued side-by-by-side to a 1x2 with a thick coating of Elmer's wood glue.


Is there any recommended technique for separating two pieces of wood? My instinct is to just start hammering, but I'm concerned the glue bond between the fascia and the 1x2 is stronger than the screw bond between the 1x2 and the board. In which case I'll end up substantially destroying a portion of the module.

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The problem with wood glue is that it's not just on the surface.  It works so well because it soaks into the pores of the wood.  Separating two glued pieces of wood without tearing them up is probably close to impossible.  If it's a small amount of white glue (which is water soluable, unlike yellow carpenters glue) then soaking the area with water might loosen the bond enough to separate them with minimal damage. But it could also warp the fascia.

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This could be a problem, can you sand the area where the wood joins the fascia? Then using a scoring knife to try and cut through the glue bond and weaken it. Would that work?

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Have decided against de-gluing in favor of sawing a little bit more off the other end. It's not a cut I can make with my Jigsaw though (not without destroying the foam) so I gotta borrow my girl's handsaw.

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