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US dollar hits 15-year low agains the Yen


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This is going to hit many of us.  Those pre-orders are going to get more expensive.  Yesterday the dollar dipped to 84.17 Yen, before climbing back up to 84.47 Yen.  The Loonie is sitting at 81.14 Yen, the Euro at 108.16 Yen.

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Unfortunately, this will also hit many UK buyers as a lot of Japanese suppliers convert from yen to Dollars and thereafter Pounds... :sad:

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And Hungarian Forint also collapsing... :-(

Exchange rate arount 24th end of August:

2008: 1 USD = 156 HUF

2009: 1 USD = 187 HUF

2010: 1 USD = 225 HUF

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The general view is the recovery is fading away.  I see currency rates every morning and the Yen has been gaining for the last couple of weeks.  Exactly why I'm not sure.

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It's something to do with carry trade where you would borrow the low interest Japanese Yen and convert them into other currency to invest in higher return investment.  Unfortunately, this all turn hay-wired with the economic slump we are experiencing.  Also, the US and Euro have their own sets of financial problems which investors are now rushing to find safer currency to park their money in.

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it is going to hurt with all the preorders in for me coming out in the next 2-3 months! luckily not much more than some tomytec has been put on reserver in the last month or so!


oh well its only money! at least the japanese trains seem to hold their value pretty well! hey its a cheaper hobby (and better investment) than owning a boat! dont let anyone ever ever ever talk you into the idea that you can invest in a boat to make money! buy a bridge instead! HA!





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it is going to hurt with all the preorders in for me coming out in the next 2-3 months! luckily not much more than some tomytec has been put on reserver in the last month or so!


oh well its only money! at least the japanese trains seem to hold their value pretty well! hey its a cheaper hobby (and better investment) than owning a boat! dont let anyone ever ever ever talk you into the idea that you can invest in a boat to make money! buy a bridge instead! HA!






Hahaha and become a Bridge Troll!

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There is a flight away from the USD to more stable currencies such as the yen and the swiss franc as a result of the US economy being seen as a lot longer off recovery than first thought .

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