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Micro Ace Kiha 65 700/1700 and Tomix KIHA 71


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I forgot to upload pics of my KIHA 71 "Yufuin No Mori" so thought I would as well as my recently arrived KIHA 65 700/1700 "Adel Tottori"

They are both lovely (I continue to be very impressed by the standard of trains since I've jumped into J-trains seriously.  the 71 I have a good idea about its operations, but the Adel Tottori I would appreciate any info on, cheers


The layout is my test one (not the one I'll be building for the project party) but I placed some of my TomyTec Town Collection on it to give a little appropriate flavour (I think I will make this one Japanese too :) .. its very much under construction but coming along.


Sorry about the focus issues, still getting used to the camera on closeups, its lovely (Canon 50D) but its night here and I should've used a tripod










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Nice trains, I particularly like the Yufin No Mori,



Yeah,  I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it.. its also on my list of trains to take when I finally visit Japan,, the interior is equally awesome


this youtube vid really clinched it for me


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Ahhhh, Yufuin no Mori, what a pitty when I herd that I couldn't board it because it was full and I had to wait for a "simple" Relay Tsubame later...

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