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Model Train Layout Survives First Scale Earthquake

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NOTE: I'll keep this short. I had my last two wisdom teeth yanked recently. There were major complications and recovering had complications so my mind is not solid right now.


Today at 0504 I as well as the 559 people of the N-scale town of Itachimachi were awaken to 3.6 magnitude earthquake that occurred about 20 miles from my house. I'm not sure what the magnitude would be to the N-scale inhabitants, but I am proud to report no trains were delayed, nor any buildings or people injured. I will admit, it woke me up, but thought due to recent heat wave and high humidity, it was just a thunderstorm. I really could only feel thee quake for one or two seconds, less time than it took for me to recognize it as anything more than a clap of thunder above the house as that was what it sounded like. Of course, my room is half underground.


Despite three trips to Japan, this was the first earthquake I've been in. Strangely enough on two of my trips there were major quakes that were quoted to be felt where I was in Japan, but I never noticed them. Also note on the east coast such quakes are rare. The last one was ten years ago at magnitude 2.3. This is reported to be the strongest quake in the region in about a hundred years ago if you go by the local TV news. Anycase, it is good to know my earthquake proofing my layout came in handy. And yes, Jeff, I'm sure you deal with 3.6's back in San Fran on a daily basis too. ^_^

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I sneeze harder than magnitude 3.6 earthquakes! you would never sleep in CA!


couldnt resist!






ps hope the mouth feels better soon. at least all those guys are gone now! rest up and best wishes for a speedy recovery!

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