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Rakuten order help?


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I've been trying to make a small order fro Rakuten, but I can't figure what I'm being asked to choose on this screen (see att'd pic). I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me what's going here.


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Odd. Never seen that scren before when ordering through Rakuten. Not sure what to say, not being able to read Japanese. If one of us who can doesn't reply in the next day, could you copy and paste that text in so we could try automated methods?

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Yeah, I tried autotranslation, and it actually pasted in a lot more than what you see; must be what's linked from there. But it still didn't really  make any sense; lots of stuff about charges and shipping, etc., but nothing clear about what the question was.


This is a lot of trouble for a 600-yen order.  :grin

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