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Summer is here - allegedly.


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Will be putting trains on hold for the next couple of months. :clock:

Have already been to 3 car shows this month and will be very busy till the end of September. Have to get at least one car engine polished, and some modifications made to the other car.

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Spring and summer always make it hard for me to get layout work done--it's too nice to be inside in the spring, and the basement is too humid in the summer. But with some fans, at least we should be able to run the trains and do scenery.

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Probably the same here... I'll be out more often enjoying a BBQ and a beer with friends, however, when it gets too hot I'll probably stay inside and enjoy some modelling. :grin

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Martijn Meerts

I hate summer =) All the kids have holidays for 2 months, so they're all running around on the street, being annoying and stuff...


And the train room is uncomfortably warm, and the attic is pretty much a sauna, except even more uncomfortable. Can't wait for a few of those 35+ degrees celsius days ... ... ...  :violent5:

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My A/C unit is right beside the train table.   :grin:tongue1:  I might need it soon.  It's been warm and dry since early April here.  31C today.

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