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Could this really happen on the Chuo Line?!


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This is possible.


But knowing japanese people and especially people working around the trains, if something like that happens, the car is closed and even probably sent asap to storage and repair.

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Door failure is one of the more common failures on major subway systems.  As JR in many ways is above ground rapid transit in Tokyo, I suspect door failure happens there.  The cause is usually passengers fighting to keep the doors open.

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Can't find it right of course, but I know there's a vid out on youtube, recorded from inside the carriage, of a Keihan train rolling along while 2 guys try to get the door to shut.  Yes, in motion.  I'll post it later if I can find it.  While searching, however, I found several, including this:



On the failblog there, one guy claims to be in geekmode and identifies it as a Sobu-Chuo train, which must mean an E231 0 subseries.  Eh?  Looks orange to me.  Also, it has door buttons and black plastic handles for straphangars.  Definitely an E233.

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bikkuri bahn

Oh no the train is falling down...why is the video taped side way?  :laugh:


Certainly makes the situation more disorienting.  Cell phone camera used surreptitiously??

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Maybe that train car is just cursed and they sealed up the doors to keep it in, but the curves was just too powerful and it's trying to escape. Ju-Densha: The Sticky Door. The surprise ending is that the train itself is a yokai.

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